C C Blues Club
1427 Thomas Street
Memphis, TN 38107
Shelby County
Phone: (901) 526-5566
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Hours: unknown
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by Ricky Catchings on
let's get one thing straight-- I'M FROM ORANGE COUNTY with that said let me begin: my friend chose this place because she was naive (bless her heart) and thought it was like a bootie poppin hip hop club BOY WERE WE IN FOR A SURPRISE we waited in line for EVER while the grouchy bouncers who failed to acknowledge that it was my HOT friends bday and made us stand forever while he let a lot of questionable looking, for lack of better words, UGLY girls into the club and told us to back the eff up WOWWWW what does it take to make in in san francisco? anyway the cover was ridiculous considering it was this kind of club so i STOLE a sticker to balance the karma of the cosmos for ripping me off and making me freeze my ass off outside we walked in and there was a live band dressed in gothic vampire clothes screaming their heads off and the entire second floor was full of pirates? so we figured out that BOOTIE meant PIRATES bootie the bad was pretty good and played a lot of mash ups and cover songs which i was familiar with because of my varied musical interests my two other girlfriends, however, were horrified, especially after a tranny asked the birthday girl to dance and pretty much tried to get her pregnant on the dancefloor the bar is CASH ONLY which is where i drew the line we high tailed it outta there in search of better things
by Jorge Bye on
While in San Francisco I checked out the opening of Manor West with my BF.  I come from the nightclub world so I naturally detest waiting in line. I'm the kind of girl who'd rather go out on a slow Wednesday night when there are five dudes at the bar drinking beers and two old people dancing on the dance floor rather than standing in line on a Saturday night. Call it experience, call it age, call it a general hatred of feeling like an ant. Although the nightclub business is fun, they are all the same no matter where you go and are completely fueled by male egos and a false sense of entitlement. But I'm on the list! But I'm with the DJ! Do you know who I am?!!! I'm big, you're little. I expected Manor West to be no different. We cabbed it to Manor West and were greeted by about 150 people waiting in multiple lines to get into their opening night festivities. While outside we had the pleasure of listening to a group of girls predictably flirt their way in via a bald door guy. Watched as two drunk girls got kicked to the curb when they tried to run in behind a group of well dressed guests who were obviously not their friends. And rolled our eyes at a P Diddy wanna be who rolled in with his posse of unimpressive friends and got turned down when they told him bottle service was sold out. My BF knew someone who knew someone so we waiting outside in the 50 degree cold for about 10 minutes trying to wade our way through the sea of people. This in my mind felt like 30 minutes so I was almost ready to plop myself back into a cab just as the doorman let us in. We bypassed the coat check as we were Hawaii people in San Francisco so I was freezing my petutti off and wasn't about to take off my jacket. After waiting outside in the cold I needed a cocktail stat! We walked to the nearest bar which was decorated with large cloth murals of half naked showgirls. The bartenders were really pretty in red bustiers and we ordered up a round of vodka sodas. We walked around in about three minutes and picked out all the holes in this big piece of trendy trashy cheese. There was a decorative wall that separated the bar from the dance area and it was made of plastic. Is this a high end nightclub/lounge or IKEA? The dance floor was a giant rectangular mess and they really needed to find a way to break up the space. I do have to say though that the music was terrific and if there hadn't been so many weird straight men trying to bump up on girls that  didn't want to dance with them (ala "The Sweetest Thing"), I surely would have grabbed my BF and done the macarena. That was a joke because if you know me at all you'd know that I only do the electric slide. I headed to the place where any great nightclub or restaurant is truly tested by a woman...the bathroom. There was a line at the bathroom so as I waited to powder my nose I overheard a girl talking about how she was so glad that she was not a lesbian. This I thought was odd because normally you just hear women complain about men and openly contemplate becoming lesbians. I know I've done it and so have all my girlfriends! Then I saw a woman yell at another woman for cutting and threatened to have her kicked out by the door guy. San Francisco clubbers are so weird. We're just going to pee, not going to war or to a sample sale. Back to my Georgo Costanza bathroom test. So Manor West, as someone who's worked in two multi-million dollar nightclubs and who is your target demographic, I have two words for you: Bathroom Attendant. This bathroom was a filthy disgusting mess and really needed the TLC of an old lady with an arsenal of soap, a mop, mints and body spray. Both of the toilets were leaking water all over the floors and it was obvious that the construction was not finished. Gross and so does not make you feel pretty. In a world where everyone has been to Vegas, local clubs now need to try harder to bring guests the WOW experience. Manor West fails to do this and I just expected more considering San Francisco is such a vibrant city with amazing style. I'm on vacation and want to see some hot people!!! Where's the entertainment? Where's the half naked showgirls and cabana boys? Where's the bathroom attendant? I'll wait in line for days without complaining for real entertainment and a clean bathroom.
by Jen Y. on
A review of the concert hosting capabilities of Webster Hall.  I haven't been here for a club night since 1998 and even then it was a cheese fest where I bumped into my college roommate's ex-boyfriend who was an accountant visiting New York on business. Some really good acts play here but after going to WH for several shows, I am convinced that (1) they give out 2 free concert tickets to any NYU student who signs up for a Bank of America credit card and (2) a witch cast a spell on the place making people physically unable to dance for 99 years or until a Democrat is elected as mayor of New York, whichever comes first. There are some good things though: the bartenders are quick and professional, the sound system rocks, the tacky religious sculptures along the walls, the semi-lingering ghost of Naomi Campbell, and seats on the balcony so you can sit down if you're elderly like me.  I also like the bathrooms with all the candy goodies and the old Chinese man at the coat check is really cool.
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