C P Lounge
117 Old Airport Road
Hattiesburg, MS 39401
Forrest County
Phone: (601) 582-9201
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Hours: unknown
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by Amanda C. on
I absolutly love this place. I went for my 21st on a friday night. Get there early...the line gets long and it gets packed. I got there around 9/9:30 and it was no problem. -DRESS NICE. My friend couldn't get in because of his sneakers. -Drinks are pricey, like $13 for a cocktail. But the drinks are great. Full of great flavor and just strong enough to not over power. No cover. -It's a great place to go for a drink and a good time. -Pretty sweet music, different. -If you can do reservations, do them. There was no seating that night but I guess it's not always like that.
by graceypoo m. on
The End Up--"longest running dance club in San Francisco"-- is regarded as the "first N-Touch" since it started out strictly as a gay dance club that lots of Asian/Asian-Americans and "their admirers" went to back in the day, according to Wikipedia ( http://en.wikipedia.or...Accessed June 27, 2008) and Tita Aida ( http://www.titaaida.com/ Accessed June 27, 2008) who graciously gave me a fascinating history lesson about this place when I performed at Shangri-La (the back club at The End-Up).  It supposedly was super popular during Fleet Week back in the day because the sailors would go to The End Up to meet, meat, and greet.  It was a convenient location for those rice queens as the location was close to the water and was teeming with hot gayzn men. Performing drag at Shangri-La to welcome the API Grand Marshall of the 2008 Pride Parade--Evan Low (super young-23yo-politician, openly gay, Asian American)-- was definitely a challenge, as they only have a 3ft x 3ft stage to dance on.  There is an open patio area in the back for smokers and whoever wants to take a break from the smoldering heat inside the dance floors. Read up on the Wikipedia entry to learn more about the awesome historical significance of this place in LGBTQ history. ( | )
by Caroll Humpries on
I still frequent MJQ every now and then but it is more of a past experience for me. The drinks are pretty cheap, the crowd is pretty diverse and insane. Its a great spot to get drunk, let loose and dance. Wednesday night Brit-Pop @11pm is always a blast and the best night to head to MJQ. If you want an interesting night with a group of friends head here.... you just might not be able to see them when you get inside.
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