Cabaret Internationale
3951 South USHighway 17/92
Casselberry, FL 32707
Seminole County
Phone: (407) 767-1232
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Andres Alibozek on
When it is 17 degrees and your unaccustomed to it, standing in line hurts. I was in line with two friends and had gone there to see a girl. We were not moving anywhere and with a jealous tinge of hypothermia I watched those in the know smooth on in. Fortunately I gave her a call and she came out, said some sweet words to the bouncer, gave him a questionable hug and he lifted the velvet rope. Words only go so far and we still had to pay $20 at 2am. No worries, we are in, she was there, mission accomplished, well kind of. It was packed up and downstairs, filled with an excess of guys wearing scarves despite the sweltering heat, it is the new look. There was nowhere to stand and I couldn't find the girl I came to see. Without a booth we were repeatedly told by one bouncer or another that you were not allowed to stand outside the booths. We had a few drinks and left. Maybe I was a little jaded but the combination of music and crowd did not make it my type of place.
by yuki h. on
The Salt Lick might be the best tasting BBQ known to man. I had to eat at the one located in the airport. I am definitely going to make it a point to eat the actual location one of these days. You want to order the Brisket Sandwich. It's pure BLISS. I had it saved on my plane ride back home to California and it was still good hours later. Everytime I go to Bristol Farms, I always pick up a bottle of their BBQ sauce. Like Sinead O'Connor sang, "Nothing Else Compares."
by Stuart Denard on
Went here to dance after dinner elsewhere.  It's itsy-bitsy, but they play a fun mix of music.  A little hip-hop, a little top 40, and a little stuff from other countries (is there a term for non-American music?  international music?  world music?).  I don't remember the crowd much, except that it was crowded.  It gets hot.  There's one bathroom, and it's a bit nasty.
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