Caboose Bar & Grill
16 East 15th Street
Anderson, IN 46016
Madison County
Phone: (765) 649-5424
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Mary A. on
Gross. Atlanta's Jersey Shore. Bachelorettes wearing veils and making out with old dudes. Greasy guys standing in the upper "VIP" section throwing dollar bills onto a sweaty mass of VD below. What do your mothers think? Gross.
by Tom Y. on
Been here for a number of shows over the last few years, both standing room and seated shows.  When you walk in there is a reception area where the merch tables  are usually setup, they have two bar areas, one by the lobby and one in the main dance hall.  There are always tables setup on the sides and in the back where it is slightly elevated from the main floor.  This place has a totally old school "European" feel to it which gives it real character. The service here is really good but sometimes they have drink minimum on occasions for seated shows which is kind of a bummer but at least they are not at extortion rates.  The men's bathroom only has urinals, and 3 stalls some be prepared for lines.
by Dino Essner on
After spending about an hour or two looking for an open bar at 4 in the afternoon, we finally came across El Rio to enjoy their happy hour and play some pool. We were there for about an hour or so.. waiting for my sister to get out of her last midterm. It was fun, it was pretty empty..but then again it was 4. The bartender was nice and the beers were cheap. I'm just going to come out and say this.. I  had to poop twice while I was there.. I don't know why.. and I'm not usually that poop-like.. but I felt comfortable with doing my business there.. and that's what I look for in bars.. so because of that.. I give it four stars.
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