by Malik C. on This is a typical west indian night club. Nothing to call home about. Overpriced drinks, overpriced entrance fee, same crowd every saturday, nothing new. For the same price drinks, even less actually, and no entrance fee, you can go to some of the better clubs in Manhattan but if you like soca and reggae and chutney then you would like this club if you're drunk too. Girls here are 50/50, more like 10/90. the 90 being the ugly old chicks that still think they got it with guts busting out they sides.
by da fishman on This place was seedy & a total dive. The waitresses are good looking and very friendly. Ask for a booth in the back for some privacy. The service was excellent. Fun time for all! Worth the visit.
by Tyler b. on um.... phenomenal. magnificent backyard patio. i was there a friday afternoon and there was even a FREE bbq!!!! they had a tip jar out, but there was no set fee for the fresh oysters they served (raw or bbq with a salsa cheese type thing), or for the chicken/spinach salad/potato salad/chip combo they had (also delicious).plus the bartender gave me a free drink since it was my birthday.... and that's always nice. i will definitely be back here.
by Rich Elery on I'll be dead honest. When me & my crew first came here in 97, the ONLY reason we even stepped foot in this place was because of the troubles with the Limelight. I will admit that Webster Hall has always impressed me and it was our club of choice after Limelight closed again...and again...and again. Webster Hall became our frequent spot on many occasions and it was mainly for the atmosphere and music. Don't even get me started on the space of this place. It's huge as hell!! If you're like me on the dance-floor doing your thing in your own world of bone-crushing bass and then you get bumped by some dip-wad in a suit with his too skinny, too pale, water-cress sandwich eating date, you're gonna be pissed. That was the ONLY thing I didn't like about Limelight. No space to dance sometimes. In Webster Hall, you can take over on the dance-floor especially in the main ballroom. We would do rooms by nights. One night, we would be in the 80's room for 5 hours just fucking having fun, man. The next night, on the stage for the whole night in the main ballroom. That stage was meant for me and my glow-sticks. No doubt. Fellas, you ever notice when you bring girls to this spot, how long before they're gawking at the all-beef male go-go dancers? It's funny cuz the girls try to play it smooth, "Oh no, I'm not looking at that king muscle guy in his bikini briefs." Whatever girl. Baby, I got junk like that too!!! Also, I'm not doing the same dance move all night long, but that's cool; you go on with "Mr. Beefy Silver Brief KING Junk Man." I've always felt a part of me is infused within the bricks of that place. My soul is forever on that stage with the fucking hottest, hardest beats in the city. Too bad the CDs don't match the experience. The only reason it loses a star is because it's NOT the Limelight. Plain & simple.