Cactus Bar
4831 South Western Street
Amarillo, TX 79109
Randall County
Phone: (806) 356-6369
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Marie B. on
When my friend invited me for dinner here, I expected some not so great food and some not so great service.  I am so happy, my expectations were not met.  The food and service at LAVO completely exceeded them. As preached, we ordered the meatball.  It was super salty, smothered in tangy tomato sauce, fork tender, and really flavorful.  Overall, a top notch meatball.  Following this opening number, came my order of rigatoni with mozzarella and eggplant.  Again, the dish that came was not what I expected.  Instead, what I got was ah-mazing!   I left super happy and full. One should note that if you don't like a scene - do not come here because it is impossible to avoid.  I have never seen so many models, socialites, etc.  Reading between the lines means - there will be a wait for a table even if you have  reservations.  You may get 'hangry' (hungry + angry)  Just know there is a bar, and it serves excellent cocktails.  You were warned!  Now go!
by Alex H. on
Every conversation I've ever had every time I've ever gone to Suite 181 for any reason whatsoever. "Lots of people assume I'm a model. For all I know, maybe you assumed I'm a model because that's not uncommon. and if you did, don't worry because I take that as a compliment" Come. Chat. Laugh. Enjoy.
by Kasandra Astrella on
What's all the fuss about? Me and my friends made our way to Tenjune after dinner to have cocktails and groove the remaining night away.  Before we arrived, my sense was that a hip spot would pose a challenge to get in without a name on the guest list or a name to drop to the doorman. I looked at the growing line of people standing vigilantly in line waiting to get in and decided that it wasn't worth waiting and decided to make my self-important transformation (or act) to convince the bouncer I was the life of the party. So we get in without waiting and make our way into the dark abyss of Tenjune. I scan the room to determine its size and walk over to the end of the room to see if there was any hidden doors. "Is this it?" I query my local Manhattanites and they in turn respond with an embarrassed nod. Let me sum it up: Tenjune is just one big VIP room serving expensive drinks and playing pop music. For all the fuss of putting on an act to get in, you're better off going somewhere else.
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