Cactus Bar
517 West Main Street
Boise, ID 83702
Ada County
Phone: (208) 342-9732
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Hours: unknown
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by Bruce E. on
Drinks are definately 5 star worthy! The jerk offs at the front door are the problem I have with this place. Came early with a large group to make sure that we did not have any trouble getting in. This worked out just fine, I had to leave my group since my buddy who came in from out of town was about 5 blocks away and couldnt find his way, so i left to go find him and bring him back. On the way out I told the door guy and the bouncers that I was leaving to go retrieve a friend and that I would be back in 10-15 minutes, they said that it was no problem. 15 minutes later when i came back with my friend they told me that the bar was booked for a private event and that we couldnt get in. This went back and forth for about 15 minutes or so. I finally asked a group of 4 ladies who were about to walk in if they could escort my friend in with them and surprisingly enough they obliged! Thats one down, now to get myself in. After talking and talking for another 15 min I finally convinced the "door douche" to let me back in but one of the bouncers asked me for ID which I didnt have beacuse it was the bar with my credit card! I ultimately got "lucky" that one of the bartenders snuck out for a quick smoke and remembered me since i complemented him highly on his cocktails making skills, and he told the door people that I had been inside and that my ID and card were behind the bar. Decor is kinda cool but nothing out of this world. Waitresses are rude, tend to rush you, tend to make mistakes, and snotty enough to push patrons out of their way. One such airhead pushed me out of the way and managed to spill a red drink (my guess is cran vodka) all over my back. When i asked for a manager he refused to speak to me for close to 30 minutes, another top off the class a-hole! Then refused to do anything about the fact that his staff had ruined my experience as well as my shirt.
by Michelle A. on
The best part about this place is that you get to do all the work yourself. It's like fondue only with fro-yo. Want just a little yogurt but TONS of toppings? You can do that. Want no toppings but a mix of five flavors? You can do that too. Whatever your little heart - and stomach - desires is possible here. The flavors aren't just plain and chocolate, either; you have peanut butter, cheesecake, blueberry, and many other creative options to mull over. The toppings were fresh and believe me, there is plenty to pick from. Butterfinger, strawberries, chocolate sprinkles, mochi, cookie dough... it's a parent's sugary nightmare but an impressive spread. There is a downside to this, though. The Line. It's hit or miss I'm sure, but it sucks to be stuck in line behind someone who doesn't know what they want yet. In their defense, there are at least 10 flavors up at any given moment, but come on. Stand aside and let the rest of us who know what we want start the madness. The store could benefit from a sign away from the line area with a list of the day's flavors so new people can figure out what to mix in the first place. I really enjoyed the ability to mix and match and get what I wanted for about the same price as the other yogurt spots in town (here it's weighed by the ounce so the price of the cup varies). I wouldn't put it above the others due to each one offering different flavors, toppings, and experiences, but if you're in the area and looking for a delicious treat, Yogli Mogli is the perfect place to stop at.
by Carmelo Sabb on
I really enjoyed the Luau Party last Saturday.  For only $10, I got free food, cute leis, and "sexy entertainment" as promised on their flyer. There were so many different areas to hang out with my friends that I never got bored.  It was pretty cool to sit at one of the cabanas (didn't have to pay for table service) and eat my delicious, juicy kabobs and drink my cranberry juice (I was DD). The music was pretty decent, except the DJ switched songs a little too quickly.  However, the dance floor was a little scary since it's an elevated platform.  But I guess the stage does serve a purpose.  The club has these really awesome hip-hop and break dancers come out to perform while the crowd went wild.  It was a really fun night.  Way more fun than supposedly superior clubs like TAO.  And it's definitely less pretentious than many other LA scenes.
by Boise Downtown on
Great place to start out. Cheep beer.
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