Cactus Canyon
3871 Stagg Drive
Beaumont, TX 77701
Jefferson County
Phone: (409) 832-2999
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Leonard Sortland on
Newer club, spent Halloween here. $50 open bar and they didn't skimp on the drinks. Hollywood crowd, seemed classy. I hear Friday nights are good. Don't expect to sit unless you have bottle service of course. My only complaint during the night was that I've never been in a club that was so packed EVER. You could literally be trampled if you fell and the bathroom line must have been 20 women. I'd say the bouncers let double the occupancy upstairs.
by Vince D. on
Get drunk and party like the Dead. Think Day of the Dead meets Las Vegas in Hollywood, Velvet Margarita transcends festive and goes straight to seizure-inducing garishness. It so lacks cohesion it's comical, almost like they gave 9 designers a broad theme and set them loose without seeing what the other guys were doing. The Ahi Tacos were the most juicy I've ever had, so juicy in fact, I had to double-check I wasn't actually eating chicken. The triple salsa platter and chips are pretty good, too, especially the warm bean dip. Velvet Margarita, fun and colorful and only in La La Land.
by Haywood Decastro on
THis place is friggin TIGHT! After a drunken rampage with my roomate at Trader Sam's somehow we ended up in a Russian man's Isuzu Trooper. My roomate heard a drunken Russian yell, "To zi DNA louungze!!", and we followed him and his hot Rooski groupies into the car. My roomate a strappin 6'8, 250lb got in the back back with a tiny little moscownian. We headed to the DNA lounge! We got there and ditched the Russians and headed for the dance floor where we instantly hooked it up. It was around 4:30 and we were still boozin, and before I knew it I was in the room of some girl from Cambodia and my roomate with her Algerian roomate. There were too many dogs in their apartment and it smelled like cheetos and mice. I got up and looked at the Cambodian and smiled and jetted out the door to catch a cab back to my miserable life. Thank you DNA lounge.
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