by Filomena Andruszkiewic on Drinks here are decent. It's almost unfair to compare a Philly cocktail bar to a place in NYC, but them's the breaks. I started off with a Marble Rye, because pumpernickel and caraway infused rye with celery soda just sounded interesting. I wasn't totally sure what kind of taste combinations I was going to get. It was decent (and boozy) but it definitely needed something. Maybe some chartreuse, or something slightly tart. I'm not sure what, but it was only OK. The Saz-Arak was great. A twist on the classic sazerac using an Arak (middle-eastern anise liquer) rinse in the glass, it definitely hit the spot. I normally eschew anise-flavored-anything, but since that was the main ingredient of the bar I had to try it, and I'm glad I did. Give this one a shot. For my 3rd drink I asked the bartender to make me something with bourbon, and it failed. He even said "I've never even tried this before". What kind of bartender doesn't have a special drink that isn't on the menu but that he knows is great? Super weak. -2 stars for this.
by Annie R. on This place is way overpriced! Also, the drinks are super weak so you're better of with beer (if you're willing to pay the price for it). I would not recommend this place to anyone. If they lowered their prices a lot, it would be worth going to for the pool tables, but it doesn't seem like that's going to happen anytime soon.
by Tam Chain on I really enjoy this venue... almost everything. do the owners realize they are alienating a lot of music lovers by placing a mandatory food purchase on top of the already high ticket prices? i have skipped a few shows for this reason. time to abort this idea! how wants to watch and listen to a band and hear noisy eaters? and why would a band give their all, knowing they are being upstaged by mediocre food? blows my mind!