Calhoun's Tavern
7010 Calhoun Memorial Highway
Easley, SC 29640
Pickens County
Phone: (864) 306-9856
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Hours: unknown
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by Toby Bly on
Bottle Service will kill SF.
by sarah i. on
i took a last minute roadtrip to atlanta from dc, and i think we were probably on the road for as long as we were in atlanta - about 24 hours each. BUT, now i can say that i've been to hotlanta. though, im not sure if anyone still calls it that. i think most people have moved on to the ATL or A-Town, but im stuck in 1999. plusses: how did i get to be so lucky that the one night we went out in atlanta...was the night that there were all these famous rappers at dreamz???? it was a hotlanta dream come true. rick ross, lil scrappy, young buck, young! hotlanta, indeed. (of course, if outkast, usher, and jermaine dupri were there, dreamz would get 5 stars, no doubt). con: NO ONE WAS DANCING. maybe it was partly bc when a rapper came through, his big ego had to take the mic and say something, cutting the music to talk ish about 50 cent. buck, can't we all just get along? also, i was very inspired by the gogo dancers. they were working hard for the money all night. in california, gogo dancers at clubs usually come on and writhe around for like 1-2 songs. but the girls here were working it! i think that being a gogo at dreamz might be the perfect job. you get to dance/work out--and get paid? sign me up! though...i guess i'd request a more conservative work uniform.
by Eartha K. on
What. The. Hell.   Seriously, who are these people and why are they all paying concert venue prices for a lame 80's cover band, no space and no dancing?  And why are they all paying cash only for $8 plastic cups full of mostly ice and a couple drops of liquor from a surly bartender who clearly hates everyone?  ...And why are they all having such a good time? These were the questions that my friends and I silently asked each other with wide, confused eyes as we struggled through an hour and a half in this strange, strange world.  The event: Tainted Love. The crowd: late 20's-40's aged frat boys and frat boy hangers-on.  No one seems to have matured (seriously, the things they do blatantly out in the lobby!) or updated their wardrobe.  This might be because it's an 80's-themed night but a decade of binge-drinking means everyone's pants were muffin-top tight. Oh well.  As mentioned, everyone was ROCKING ON.  And by that I mean squishing their bodies against several hundred others, pumping their fists and screaming their pleasure at the nostalgia performance on stage.  So two stars for enthusiasm in a town that usually is snooty. Minus three because it was like an alien planet whose customs I couldn't understand with watered-down and costly drinks, shitty service, pricey cover, and boring and um... rather homely people.  At least none of the girls in the 25 minute-wait bathroom line will miss me!
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