California Bar
510 North 33rd Street
Omaha, NE 68131
Douglas County
Phone: (402) 449-9138
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Dina Chomali on
Pleasure to review: This place is beyond belief. They are not my people. This is not my scene. To each their own, but I get down on myself pretty hard the way I judge these vapid scenesters, B&T'ers, and bachelourette parties that roll through with popped collars and gaudy prom dresses and lunatic levels of gluttonous idiocy Should I have reason to judge? So fair and gentle reader.... you are deciding whether you should go to this club? Whether it is for a party for a friend, or a night out with some people from out of town..... don't go.  It is awful. "It was a mistake to come here", a line from many a horror film.  I found myself saying it here. Bottle Service will kill SF.
by Juliana N. on
Absolutely beautiful theatre. I came here to see Ani Difranco and was blown away on how amazing my seats were. It's not too big so anywhere in the theatre allows you to see perfectly fine. I had Balcony seats and loved it. The Orpheum topped off my Ani D experience. GET ON IT!
by amy a. on
What else can you ask for when you see a show at the Warfiled, stumble down the lovelyness that is the Tenderloin, and bam you're already half passed out when you open the door. Free parking, smushy beds, decent water pressure... and if your either just rolling in or actually get up, a free breakfast! Just don't be a jackass and fall into the pool. And bring ear plugs if you don't want to be woken to sirens that seem to run endlessly in that part of the city.
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