Cantina Cazador
625 East Highway 89A
Cottonwood, AZ 86326
Yavapai County
Phone: (928) 634-9511
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Chetan S. on
$8 beers. In Queens. End of story. (also, the service away from the bar is not great. it's a big place and can get crowded, so you're better off just going to the bar.)
by Brad E. on
Delux is awesome!!! Any place that serves a Hebrew National hot dog is A-motherfing-OK with me. It is the only kind of hot dog I will eat, being a good Jew and all. It comes with sauerkraut and choice of mustards, or whatever else you want on it. Their "basket" of sweet potato fries are on time as well. Literally a small metal shopping basket. I like them with regular ketchup, but they are served with a dipping sauce that is pretty good. I have had the Delux Burger once. It was good as well, but i always get the dog. They have a great selection of beers, but I always go to the old standby; Stella Artois, in authentic glass and all. My none beer drinking friend Dally even gets some sort of fruity ale-type beer. So it has a good mix. They have a pretty decent dessert menu as well. I have split the banana split sundae before and couldn't get through it all. It could probably feed 4 or 5. Delux is great. It is open late, but can have a wait earlier in the evening.
by Josue Nussbaumer on
If you want the full LA experience, than this is the place for you: Overpriced drinks, uninspired DJs who play all the obvious tracks, go go dancers, stuck up girls who only go to the club to get gawked at (but at least they are really skanky), and trendy, trendy douchebags decked out in full "Affliction" or "Ed Hardy" outfits. Upside: The rooftop bar is actually pretty awesome and you can get Bacon Wrapped Hot Dogs after last call.
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