Canton Garden
1486 Hawthorne Avenue Northeast
Salem, OR 97301
Marion County
Phone: (503) 390-8463
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Hours: unknown
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by Chris G. on
"Methinks not" is the definite answer to whenever someone asks me to go to Opera. Pretentious and super expensive would be the most generous description. I'm an avid concert goer, but even the acts and artists that have shows at Operas I don't see. Hopefully they will get the message eventually, but they are definitely more focused on money than customer satisfaction.
by Matt R. on
Ooops. Nouveau Southern doesn't mean "small plates." Ouch. I needed to try something local, but Atlanta was nothing like the small towns in NC, SC, or TN that I'd hit in previous escapades of foodie tourism. The 'hood was upscale, and I wondered if anything could really be down-home in the sprawling urban-exurban-infilled wasteland. But a rateclubs friend (thanks Gracie!) popped up on my neighborhood search, calling out across 2,200 miles recommending this place. What a great use of technology. The vibe at the bar was nearly diner-like, which was good for a solo business traveler who didn't want too much attention or stress. The basket of cornbread was a good sign. More interesting, though, was the wine list. I'd never asked a server about wine pairings on heavy Southern food, and yet the friendly woman behind the counter had all kinds of great ideas. Italian reds for apertifs. Light pinots to counter Southern seafood. Alternative whites as alternatives. Very well informed, informative, and always friendly. The shrimp, scallops, and grits took the traditonal dish to a new level. But despite upscale trappings, it was still a serious calorie bomb. Such decadence. The perfectly sauteed seafood sat atop a rich pile of savory, buttery, cheesy grits--so fluffy it was more like a baked good than something ladled onto the plate. The seafood-infused gravy was almost over the top, but the balance of flavors could not be argued with. It was good. I felt like I needed something "healthy" to balance this, and my disinterest in the salads pushed me toward the collard greens. Yes, it was a nutritious vegetable, but the attitude was all pork-fat-and-sugar. Decadent, almost dessert-like. The recommended alternative pinot balanced the rich, sweet, and savory dishes perfectly. One more complement to the attentive staff, including the friendly host (who checked up on me repeatedly and answered my questions about the restaurant) and the server behind the counter, who recommended some excellent dishes and seemed to enjoy answering my questions and talking about the excellent food. I need to do 3 or 4 trips up 99 Steps at Kirkwood this weekend to burn off some of that pork fat, though.
by Jannie Monsalve on
OK, I always say I hate going K clubbing because it's gross, dirty, etc but you know what, I always end up having fun here.  Tons of Korean fobs mixed with water downed crown, grey goose and johnnys... come on, you can't really go wrong. The music is very random... they usually play 95% hip hop like any other club, but there is always the 3% of the K pop such as Wonder Girls that gets stuck in your head all day and then the weird 2% of love ballads where the entire dance floor clears out for those 3 couples that decide that it would be a great time to get romantical in front of 100s of horny asians trying to hook up. Anyway, our waiter is Lucky. He is fobulous. I would park next door as Sizzler if you go. $7 and you don't have to wait for the crazy valet line after the club gets out.
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