captains lounge
3914 Ohio River Rd
Huntington, WV 25702
Cabell County
Phone: (304) 697-1500
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Hours: unknown
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by Jewel Cheffer on
It varies. It's very crowded - we held a big event here. At least they let us control the lines as we expected. Coat check up front. There are two levels. If you have enough of an appetite for a bar tab, you can rent out the upstairs. Don't leave jackets or purses around, the bouncers get annoyed. I didn't like that. Girls don't like hauling around their purses when they can set them down. Music varied. And the bars were slow.
by Charmian D. on
As much as I try not to go to San Francisco's tourist-driven nightlife attractions, I would probably try it anyway because life's too short and once in awhile I'd like to laugh at myself and ask why the hell I went there in the first place Plus, it was my girlfriend's birthday and the birthday girl trumps everyone's suggestions for the I've had to make reservations for the b-day girl's choice...Prana. Let me tell you that I've called once, twice, three times to reserve and never got a call back...I scratched my head with frustration only to find out that four days before the event we've decided to call again and they finally reserved a spot for 25 people...sheeesh Although, I prefer family-style, hearty dining, Prana wasn't bad....but wasn't "off da hook" either Try their butternut squash soup & goat cheese wonton. The soup is creamy & flavorful and the goat cheese wonton are crispy & brown...the way I prefer my fried food However....eeek...stay away from their broiled salmon with vegetables and purple/black rice. The salmon & rice were both very dry as if they just freeze dried the plate for the next night's airline food Cool touch with the inside's décor that looked like a miami nightclub in South Beach with the surrounding pink, purple and green neon lighting plus a gi-normous bronze Buddha facing our group as we entered in and the waiters were eye candies so it wasn't too bad I didn't really get the comforting, chill vibe of the restaurant and found it to be pretentious and "all for show" but if you have the chance don't forget to rub the almighty Buddha's belly =)
by Hung Detullio on
We popped in this past Friday for a fairly late day-after-Christmas dinner.  Brock received some e-mail about barbeque ribs on Friday nights, so we went in with that mission in mind. We sat at the long table by the bar and were taken care of by the bartender with blond hair who has been there forever and is always so nice.  I ordered a glass of Malbac which was slightly bitter.  I would have gone for the usual One Martini which is my absolute fave, but had to get up early on Saturday and didn't want to risk any sort of hangover. We split the caesar, the calamari and the ribs, all of which were excellent.  Apparently, the chef has a "secret" recipe for his bbq sauce and does regular ribs once a week - good thing to know. No coffee or dessert this time around as it was fairly late and we were more than full from our three shared items. One has been a top-ten Atlanta favorite of mine for years.  They've had their share of chef turnover, but it's never really effected their business.  I know that I can always come here for a great meal, good drinks and overall good time.
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