Carambola Amigo
1945 Warner St
Oceano, CA 93445
San Luis Obispo County
Phone: (805) 473-3066
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Greg T. on
It doesn't get more Austin than this. It's Tex Mex with a unique flair and killer drinks. My chicken flautas were to the point of not being fair: I know I'll never have flautas as good, and they know it, yet they still let me eat them and have my bar raised impossibly high. Definitely recommend.
by Anh H. on
If you have yet to go to the Academy of Sciences due to the ridiculous lines & lack of planning (I thought you could just show up hours past opening and get in... whoops!), then this is a great way to experience it before going all out for the real deal. Only $10 (buy your tickets online early!), which is what you'd normally spend on 2 drinks at a happy hour, so switch it up and come here, have 2 less drinks, and learn & see some amazing things! Yes, it's still crowded (what do you expect?!!), but at least there aren't 5 million screaming & whiny kids in strollers. No, you won't be able to see everything (but that's ok, it's only $10). I missed out on the rainforest, planetarium, and living roof but I saw everything else so if I go again and just focus on those things, then I will have only paid $20 for 2 trips to see everything which is still less than the regular admission of $25! Look at what this economy has done to me, haha.
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