Carbo's Sports Bar
108 North Sterling St
Streator, IL 61364
La Salle County
Phone: (815) 672-4618
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by terry w. on
If you've never had a Pimm's Cup, this is where to go. Yes it takes time to get a drink here. That's what happens when you're crafting cocktails. It's worth the wait.
by Catriona C. on
OK OK OK Bad side: its an over-21 night. But please note that with the absence of kids you get... a bunch of overgrown kids pressing their noses to the glass to look at the prettee fishies. Its overcrowded and that did start to get irritating after a while. I'm a non-crowd people person - and please note, simply because you are in a crowd doesn't give you the excuse to act like an empty-headed sheep who has lost the capability to look around you when wandering aimlessly around. I also did wonder how the music was treating the animals in the museum as well, especially the aquatic life... and whether it was causing distress or not (the whole nose-pressed thing... that happens every day). Good side: I can see why everyone turns into a kid. I did too. It's almost being naughty, being able to get into a museum at nighttime - even though its a controlled event, you get to run around a public building with alcohol in your hand - whether that is a good or bad idea, I am saying nothing. And its much cheaper than during the day, so that is a bonus as well. A really fun evening, where I had the chance to run riot through exhibits - didn't get around enough and will have to force myself to go back again! Also I would recomend checking the toys section of the shop out. There are some interesting, ahem, toys out there that are for 'kids'. Great while tanked up on stiff cocktails (which, it has to be said, were kinda nasty).
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