by Kristin H. on My boyfriend took me here for my birthday dinner, mostly because I am a huge Top Chef (especially ATL chefs!) fan and I've been wanting to see how Kevin does in his own restaurant. The number one thing that impressed me was the hostess who met us at the door and showed us to our own table near the bar, where a bar waiter came and got us some cocktails. Then we were showed to our seats in the dining room and the bar waiter brought our drinks to us. Definitely some fancy service. We decided to splurge and order the 5-course chef tasting menu and it ended up being the best food decision of our lives! All the food was incredibly tasty and even though we ate 5 whole courses, it all was pretty light and we walked away feeling completely satisfied, but not over stuffed. Our waiter was super attentive and all the wait staff seemed very educated on the menu. This in itself is impressive since they change the menu up every night! Since it was my birthday, they typed up a specialty menu for me that said "Happy Birthday Kristin" at the top. After the meal was done, Kevin himself came to the table to wish me Happy Birthday and talked to us for a while. He is just as nice as he seems on the television show. They also printed out a special menu that explained all the 5 courses we had and Kevin signed it for me. All in all, an amazing, unforgettable experience! I can't wait to go back.
by Cesar Bobo on Although MJQ can be hit or miss, when it 'hits' it's hands down the best time out in Atlanta. It caters to an extremely diverse crowd and reminds me of clubs I've been to in Berlin, London and New York. There's three rooms (MJQ1 and 2 and The Drunken Unicorn) and every night of the week each plays different types of music. I gave up trying to figure out what played when a long time ago because it's usually fun regardless. I've been going there since high school and it's never let me down. I've also had some pretty crazy nights there. If those walls could talk.
by Alex S. on Great place to stumble home from after many Happy Hour PITCHERS!!!! The food is good too. It is my neighborhood hangout. OHHH and I love the picture of "Le Futballer"