Carl's Pub
21535 Van Born Road
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Wayne County
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by Michael R. on
So - I've never bothered to write a review on any club on rateclubs but I thought my view would be helpful.  I'm 30, I live in the city, I've been going to clubs fairly regularly for the past 8 years.  I've been to Greenhouse more times than I can count.  My comments are more geared to if you're considering buying a table or making a big night of it but in general I think most of what I say applies.  I'll give some tips at the end. The complaints I've read below are frankly the type of difficulties one can run into at any decently trendy/popular club in NYC - assuming you don't know anyone working the door and are not buying a table.  I'm talking about lines, the occasional power-tripping bouncer, promoters who rudely scatter you away, etc.  Its NYC, its a Friday or Saturday night, its a scene - set your expectations accordingly. What I will say about Greenhouse, and one of the reasons I continue to go back is first of all, its fun (true of lots of places) and second, the staff, by and large, are very honest and courteous (not always true of a lot of places).  When you're buying a table or its a special occasion like a birthday or bachelor party (both of which I've thrown there) that goes a long way.  You're spending 10x the retail price of a bottle of liquor, the least any club can do is treat you right. Here's my example of honesty:  A table is typically 2 bottles for 4-6 people, each costs $400-$500.  Thats a decent amount of scratch. What my servers have done at Greenhouse, when it is very late into the night and I frankly have no idea whats really going on - was actually take the time, amid all the chaos, to point out the bill automatically includes a 20% gratuity (i.e. $200), and to not tip on top of the amount.  I'm not going to claim every bottle service girl is like that or that it never happens elsewhere but its happened a lot to me at Greenhouse and I appreciate it.  I've been to enough clubs (and they all add 20%) to know the bottle service girls don't generally go out of their way to point it out and I'm sure a lot of people in their stupor tip on top of a tip-included amount.  And probably never realize it. My example of courteousness:  Throwing a party at a club can be nerve-wracking.  Its expensive, most likely not everyone is gonna show up at the same time, you're worried about people being held up at the door, and there's probably a couple in your group for whom going to a club isn't their ideal way to spend an evening in the first place.  I've thrown several parties at Greenhouse and provided you introduce yourself and take a minute to explain that you have people coming who are going to mention your name - they will get everyone in without any hassle at all.  It should never be an issue but I've found Greenhouse to be more consistent about this then most other clubs. Greenhouse isn't the super A-list hottest spot like it once was but frankly, its a ton a fun and its still going strong after some 3 years - there's a reason for that. Some tips: 1.  If you're worried about getting in, go early.  Greenhouse is fun when its packed - its also pretty nice when its not and you're with your friends and can actually have a conversation  You'll watch the club fill up, by 1:00am it will be in full swing. 2.  Some reviewers seem put off or surprised by the music.  Yes, upstairs plays differerent music than downstairs.  Upstairs plays more progressive House (thats not the same as Techno or Trance, FYI, which is what some other reviewers have claimed).  They aren't playing the same music as Pacha...its not dance battle, glow stick music.  Its stuff like Deadmau5 and Swedish House Mafia.  Its more accessible than real hard techno.  The DJ also typically folds in some Top 40 songs, like the latest Ke$ha track or whatever, but the mix will be something like 60/40 House earlier in the night and all House by the end. Downstairs plays mostly hip-hop.  Usually a good mix of whats on the radio, mash-ups, and some stuff you haven't heard in a while.  If thats what you like, thats where you should go or where you should ask to be seated. A word about the other differences between upstairs and downstairs.    Upstairs has high ceilings, the LED crystals people seem to like and generally a more airy feel.  Downstairs is...well its definitely cool and all - its got leaves on the wall, neat lighting, but it is what it is - its in the basement and has a low ceiling.  In my experience it can get a little hot and claustrophobic.  Not a huge deal, you can always just go upstairs for some air. 3.  Ok, last thing I'll say cause I can't believe I just wrote all this about a club but if you had a good time and are in any way coherent, thank one of the guys or girls at the front door on the way out and ask for their card (they have them).  Its handy if you ever go back.
by Melinda Marlow on
I am obviously a little bit biased here, but I honestly feel that Hiro is one of the best spaces in the city. Seriously, how many places can you really be in awe of an interior space in Manhattan where space is always at a minimum. Depending on the night will dictate the level of enjoyment you might get from this ballroom, but there's always weekly DJs and big name performers that frequent Hiro. Table service isn't a must, but on any busy night it's strongly suggested, but if you want to just hit the bar, there's 3 full bars on two floors (if it's busy). Make sure to hit the side bar where Eric is the man behind the bar. If you're more into the Asian scene then check out http://www.basenyc.comfor the next bi-monthly event that normally has lines waiting to get in past 2AM.
by Javier M. on
I was 8 years old when my Mom took me to the Dept. Store for my B-Day to pick up a toy. I went straight to the "Masters of the Universe" rack, Oh! that blessed feeling in the gut; the glorious sight of the all-colorful package with the action figure inside; a heart throb would inmediately ensue "I just gotta have 'em!" -an urge inside you cried out. Oh yes! Those were our humble beginnings in capitalistic greed. I picked a brand new one called "Stratos" announced itself as a "winged warrior", and thus, as soon as we got to the car, I was in my own universe, smelling that smell of new plastic and frisking the sculpted little figure with all my fingers might; even to the last letter in the action figure's foot that read "Made in Malaysia" 20 years later it was payback time. First in the literal sense (the cover was 20 bucks) then, I was in the line to enter Strata (I assume this the land were Stratos came from) and the big, bad bouncer looked at me and perhaps bent on redeeming his lord Stratos tainted pride, decided to frisk me like no one ever had (at least no man, ever has), down to the last imprint on my foot (not made in Malaysia)... not content with not finding any hidden glock or XVI century one-shot flintlock, the Strata's henchman decided to check upon my "winged warrior" to see if I was concealing something beneath it. Oh, but by the power of Grayskull I wasn't, and thus I stumbled inside, heading for the bar to forget this frisky incident; but as if I wasn't violated enough, I got charged $7.00 bucks for a Corona and in a fuckin plastic glass to boot!!!! The crowds were bizarre looking birds, complete with goggles like their master, and me and my fellow rateclubsers, not only felt out of place, but on the verge of puking. Pushed, tossed and ultimately relegated; the hideous music was not welcome... not my kind of place; but if you like guetto style parties (meaning this stereotype offense attached, I just happen to dislike it, okay?) with old hip-hop and rap, paying an overpriced cover (considering venue and circumstances), getting frisked to the bone, and paying 7 bucks for a beer, then this is your kind of place. Strata. Just south of Skeletor's hood. 1 star for making me remember my beloved childhood.
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