Cass Tavern
6448 Main Street
Cass City, MI 48726
Tuscola County
Phone: (989) 872-4838
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Hours: unknown
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by Jocelyn J. on
I think I may have gone on an off morning. Granted, it was Pride Weekend and Sunday was off the chain in the Castro. Pretty fun time for a group but the music was so loud we had to scream at each other to converse and I have to say the food was really bad, cold and boring. Yes, the mimosa's are great, but I left hungry and kinda creeped out. Literally, it was a hott mess club in there! Girls ready to barf, everyone had the Lady GaGa bandages over their nipples...and I don't know about you but I don't think anyone without a shirt should be serving food. Nasty! The bathroom had a line about 10 deep all morning and apparently the mimosa-ness got to some folks and they forgot how to use the bathroom like a human being. Another nasty moment! Again, maybe it was an A typical off the hook brunch but I left feeling like I needed to shower.
by Sang Padula on
My first visit here was to see a friend, the amazing Tessa Souter, last night.  As with most clubs I've been in (except the wonderful Dizzy's at Time Warner Center), you really get packed in like sardines here.  The service is pretty good, the food we had was delicious, but very expensive, as were the drinks.  Again, pretty consistent with most jazz/cabaret clubs.  However, it's clean and nicely laid out, and definitely worth going to hear the incomparable Ms. Souter.  Seems Chuck Mangione is going to be there later this month .... may be worth a return trip.  Luckily, beyond the fee for the music, there's only a $5 or $10 charge per person at the table (rather than that two-drink minimum thing that a lot of places have, who then charge you $6 for a diet coke).
by Camille G. on
I like the fact that Vanguard is a really huge venue, with a huge patio to smoke. What I don't like is the fact that the security is whack, drinks are way too expensive, and if you use your credit card, they mis-charge you for some reason and then charge it back. I'm sure I am not alone on this one. My boyfriend has complained several times about them taking money out of his credit card account (sometimes up to $100+) and then returning it 3 days later. What sucks is, that will cause an over draft in your account and then the bank applies their penalty charge for over drafting. Then you have to call the bank  over and over to make sure (or hope for) your funds to return and yadda yadda.... so.... don't use your credit cards or be ass raped!
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