1453 South Belcher Rd
Clearwater, FL 33764
Pinellas County
Phone: (727) 535-7658
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by Mike M. on I like the look of the club. The darkness and the strobe lights helped for sure, but the place is spacious. 2 floors, with a big opening in the middle of the second floor so you can look onto the dance floor. The bathroom was so so - not the worst and not the best. The carpet made my head hurt a little. The music was pretty good, definitely crowd pleasing. Drinks are expensive. Like, $15 expensive. I don't make enough money to get drunk here, so I recommend careful pre-gaming. They won't let you in if you look drunk. At least the drinks are strong. The short brunette bartender pours a good pour. I decided to pass the time by being a sketchball and staring at girls. Hey, I'm still allowed to look. The only girls around at first were the ones working there, and unfortunately, it was slim pickins. They are all dressed pretty slutty, but classy slutty, which ups the hot meter several notches, but several of the girls standing around were really not very good looking at all. There was a really hot blond on the stage slash DJ area, a hot oriental girl off to the side, and a hot tall brunette girl that was laughing and dancing pretty entertainingly. But some girls were kind of thick. I want to see models, skinny girls with big racks. Instead, I saw some big girls with skinny racks. I used to work in Vegas, and at best, maybe 5 girls could've cut it there. The others would've been laughed home to the east coast. People finally started to trickle in. It was a very college-y crowd, young and full of energy. And the need to hump each other on the dance floor. Most of the girls were dressed well, but so many guys looked like chumps. I at least wore a dress shirt. Come on, dudes, pull it together. I even saw sneakers. I swear. Towards the end of the night, I definitely saw some sloppy drunken near-puking going on, but thankfully no actual vomit. All in all, a fun night. I've been to some of the best clubs in the country, but this is Boston so my expectations were low, and they were met.
by Shaun V. on I went to Nightlife last night and it was amazing!!! I have been to the academy before during the day, but it's a pretty cool experience seeing it at night. The atmosphere is awesome!! Despite all of the people, my friend and I still felt like we were at some snazzy private event or something. The lights are dimmed, it's all adults, there's cool music playing that is not overbearing, there's alcohol and food available, and you have full access to the museum for 4 hours...all for only 10 bucks!!! Now, I do have to say that it is crowded. But The Academy is always crowded as far as I can tell. I really, really hate crowds in confined areas, but there were two things that really helped make it very tolerable: alcohol and atmosphere. Yes the alcohol is pricey at $7 for a beer. But I mean seriously the $10 to get in is cheaper than cover at many clubs and this is a far nicer venue that includes an unforgettable learning experience. The majority of the people there are drinking and whereas it's not really okay to go to a museum intoxicated during the day, it's totally cool at this event. So if you're concerned about the alcohol price, have a couple before you get there (However, this is a classy event, so don't plan on getting trashed.). You will have to wait in line outside to get tickets the day of (Get there early!!! They start selling at 5:30 pm and the doors open at 6. My friend got there at 4:45 pm). But you can get tickets online (Just make sure you buy them a week or more in advance or they sell out and you will have to go the day of and wait in line like we did.). If you have your online ticket, the wait line to get in took seriously maybe two minutes and we walked right up to one of the bars every time (Tip: there's bars throughout the museum, so don't just go to the ones with the crowds in the very center.). And once you're inside, it really don't seem that crowded. Everyone was in a good mood and it was mildly dressy (Nice jeans and whatnot are totally fine. It's not super fancy, but it's definitely a step above what the tourists wear during the day.). It's a great place for singles to mingle or couples to have date night. Yes it is crowded. Yes the booze are expensive. But for the price to get in and what you'll get out of it, I really think it's something that should be experienced, even if you've been there during the day.