by Ira Dunsworth on Perhaps it's the built up hype from my friends but I was expecting better. The food is beautifully crafted and the atmosphere is sophisticated, contemporary and wonderfully decorated. (I was completely inspired by the main wall and bathroom) But the burgers were just mediocre I feel like I could have cook a better burger to be honest. But kudos for the effort on the menu, a lot of great ideas and creativity. Milkshakes are bomb....but maybe too rich. There was no way I could have finished the Nutella milkshake in one sitting. It lasted me a couple of days. The duck nuggets were okay, again I was expecting more flavor and pizazz. Wait staff was slightly awkward but at least they are nice to look at! Knowing my cheap ass...I will probably just stick with making my own burgers.
by Herma Maulin on If you're hazy and tired after a crazy couple hours at Hiro (that involved watching women swing from the ceiling, semi-strippers, and a muay thai style knock out of the dude next to you), your clothes have fight blood splattered on it, and you want to round out the "evening" (er...early morning) and unwind at a lounge that serves snacks only drunk people would appreciate, and continue to get wasted (or wake up on a couch alone with nobody familiar around you ... then third floor cafe is the place for you. from what little i remember, there were two very tiny elevators that transported you (and 3 of your skinniest friends) to the third floor from a small nondescript open hallway with one security guard. seemed like a great lounge. i honestly don't remember most of it. just some buffalo wings with foil wrapped around the edge so you dont have to get your fingers dirty (how thoughtful), and deep fried battered beef bits, fruit plates, and jack. can't do a price rance on it b/c it really depends on how much you drink.
by Sarah P. on Well, it seems almost pointless to add another review, since there are so many. But, here's my 2 cents anyway... I went to Parish for the first time last weekend. I think the decor was charming, and the food was really great. As others pointed out you don't get a menu, you have to read it from a chalkboard across the room. That is fine, but it was somewhat cryptic to the non fine diner like myself. I was wondering what "enchanted" meant in reference to a trout. That was the only description- Enchanted Trout. The main problem to me is the poor waitstaff must have to answer a milllion and one questions every night about what an item is, how it's cooked, and what is served with it. It would be so much easier to just have a menu. But, that's not as cool as chalkboard I guess? I had the Ahi Tuna Torneado (I think it was spelled torneado- which I don't even know what that means). The tuna was cooked a perfect medium rare, bright red on the inside, and very tender. The sauce on top was a nice compliment. The potatoes that came with it were great, though a bit heavy on the salt for my taste. But hell, they are potatoes, so they are still gonna be good in my book. Everyone at the table ordered different entrees, and the only one that was not really loved was the Muffaletta. Other than that the shrimp sandwhich, the duck confit, and the "enchanted trout" were hits. I'm trying to remember the appetizers we had, hmmm... that's not a good sign. Oh yeah, some sort of BBQ shrimp? It was alright, but obviously nothing spectacular. There was spinach salad of sorts also that was really good. As for desserts there was a blueberry cheesecake with lemon sorbet that was outta this world. The rest were so-so, to not so great, like the bread pudding that my friends said "would not turn anyone into a bread pudding liker". Wine list by the glass was fairly small, but had some nice options. Service was a bit slow (they are probably answering menu questions), but my only complaint was (here's where I turn into an old fogie) is the noise level. It was extremely loud. Loud to the point of everyone straining to have conversation and lots of "huhs?" and even more expressions of just giving up and acting like you understand the person shouting to you. I like to be able to talk to my friends. I would say go on a weeknight, so it hopefully won't be so hectic and loud.