1336 Westheimer Road
Houston, TX 77006
Harris County
Phone: (713) 523-8000
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Hours: unknown
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by Hipolito Chroman on
Completely manufactured franchise. Assembly line hipsterism. It's the Hot Topic of bars. If you are willing to pay concert prices for the great privilege of entering a tiny venue to listen to electro pop while sitting in aggressively ironic chairs, this is the spot for you. I hope you get hit by a dump truck crossing the street to get there. 2 stars for cheap domestic beer.
by Florentino Cheeks on
Really good booty-shakin music on saturday night. Super, ridiculously crowded though AND a crazy $20 cover! My friends and I were staying at Hotel Abri across the street so we got in for $10 (if you mention it to the douchey club security guys). We had a good time. It was so conveniently located and when you're wearing really high heels, it helps.
by jericha s. on
no...Busby's...NO. i knew it was gonna be bad going in, but WOW. i've never seen an uglier batch of people in one place that had an attitude to match. the women's room had zero toilet paper, a girl puking with the door open, a dude trying to hit on her(yes, in the bathroom while puking), puke and piss all over the floor, and the nastiest clump of girls still coming in and out using the bathroom. if this were a dive bar...great. i would've peed on the floor with the best of 'em. it's not.  i'm not sure what it is. it's like the el guapo cantina of wilshire...but worse. it was like 30 yr. olds that were still in college. it was like a beer pong tournament in florida. i don't even know... what i do know is that it was so horrid i couldn't even get a drink. i walked up to the bar with money in hand, stopped, looked around, and time seemed to stop for a second, giving me time to take it all in. i suddenly felt like i was gonna cry or barf, and i probably would've fit in better if i did...but i slowly tucked my money back into my purse and walked away, eyes wide like i had seen a ghost. basically this place made me want to get fucked in the ear. or die.
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