by Stormy D. on Don't go to T. Boyle's Tavern. It's mine. Mine, dammit! You can't find it? Good. The freshest beer in L.A. If you're going to The Red Lion to drink Bitburger, keep doing that. Stay out of my bar. Why is the beer the tastiest at T. Boyle's? i don't know but it is - far tastier than other beer joints. I wish they were open for lunch though. 4 PM is pretty late to start drinking great beer... Great staff and FREE peanuts! Wooy!!!
by Phil J. on I was disappointed, went for dinner last night. I'll give it a few months, then try it again. Cucumber-flavored water, had to ask for plain. And, apparently not the first, based on the waitron's reaction. No heat. And no response to request for heat. Mediocre food, at a fairly high price. Lots of ignore from the bar/wait-staff. Loud peeps. (Not for me.)
by Tyree Brimeyer on how many places can you get shot at and order amazing vegan food, all in one spot? ...probably a few, technically. really, it's not that bad. while the neighborhood lacks a few comforting details, being that supposedly "scary" pico/crenshaw area you see in movies, it's actually full of a ton of awesome, positive history as well. this building was los angeles' first gay and lesbian black nightclub, back in the 70's. it's an old 20's era building that still is a nightclub, well, at night. the doors have now been opened to be inclusive of all races and genders, as well as various musical tastes. it's chock full of winding rooms, free internet counters, and is definitely worth a trip just to walk around in if you're a dork like me and enjoy the era's architecture. during the day, though... it's one of those vegan restaurants that, although they use organic ingredients when possible, still doesn't make you feel like you're eating very healthy. in this case, this is not a bad thing. the food here is great, greasy, yes, deep-fried, yes. it's organic vegan with a southern and mexican twist. the tacos and tortilla chips are sooo good, they fry them just when you order them, so they're still sloppy with oil. they even ask you if you want your tacos soft, medium or crisp. for those who think this sounds totally not your thing, and want something healthy, they do offer that as well, with a few great salad and raw options. they also have an AMAZING raw chlorophyll and agave drink, and raw desserts, along with REALLY good vegan pound cake (back to unhealthy) that actually tastes like melted butter goodness. pounds of it. the staff is absolutely amazing. the women that have all visited with and waited upon me have taken the time to introduce themselves, ask my name, shake my hand, constantly check up on (but not intrusively at all), make solid small-talk (also not intrusively), and the owner is one of the sweetest women i have ever met in a restaurant. she is the owner of the building, so nightclub too, and has been vegan for about 20 years if i remember correctly. the reason that the location, previously soul vegetarian restaurant, adopted some of the "defects" of the former restaurant according to the other review on here, is because when soul was closing, the owner wanted to save the cause of vegan soul food, and hired the chef to stay. yes, they have some kinks, but overall their staff and food, healthy, raw, unhealthy, laced with grease, pull their own weight. if you like dirty southern food and veganism, it's worth a shot. get a chlorophyll drink to help sweep out all the concentrated fat available to you here. it's good, go.
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