Cats Bar and Grill
104 South 3
Victor, CO 80860
Teller County
Phone: (719) 689-0315
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Allison F. on
One of my favorite clubs in South Beach. Very high end with lots of Miami locals. Being a female Im not exactly sure what the price range is.... all I know is it is a great time. Anytime I would go out and was having a bad time at a new place, I knew I could always depend on SET to cheer me up. I love being able to dance on top of platforms where I know I wont be getting drinks poured on me or people bumping into me and that could possibly be why SET is my favorite place. You cant lose with their long runway platform with dozens of beautiful girls dancing on it. I highly recommend this nightclub for anyone who likes house/techno music, lots of flashing lights and a good time!
by Michelle C. on
All geared up and ready to channel my inner five year old, I was super bummed when I was informed that the slide is only "open" on Fridays and Saturdays. I had been planning on checking this place out for weeks leading up to my trip to the west coast, only to be told that I had to take the stairs like a civilized person. So anticlimactic. Casting wistfull glances at my playground incarnate, I took the stairs with my friends and hit the bar. A quick walk-about indicated a ratio of two women to every man.  The Keith Charles F. talent scale might be sky high with regards to the ladies, but the talent was severely lacking in the men department. Don't get me wrong; there were guys, but they were busy checking out each other. So fifteen minutes in, we have no slide and no (interested) men.  Not a problem, because we were there to dance.  Only... the dj wasn't really doing it for us either.  There was only one guy shakin-what-his-momma-gave-him in the whole place, and he looked like Napoleon Dynamite. Two drinks later, my party of five collectively decided to call it a night.  The three stars are for the free drink tickets we received at the door and the potential for fun on a slide-night.
by Jerrell Birkey on
I went to see Missy Higgins perform here (she is so lovely), and the venue is pretty nice and large.  The stage area was pretty big and the floor was spacious too.  My only thing with this place though, is that when the concert was over they only had one exit open so it took forever just to get out.  Also, I guess they have a club downstairs so, at times, when the band was taking a break, you'd hear thumping from downstairs...they play that music pretty loud, and it's kinda weird while the concert is going on.
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