Cel Tavern LLC
208 West Central Avenue
Sutherlin, OR 97479
Douglas County
Phone: (541) 459-4462
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Jon S. on
Okay, let's be positive. The hand dryers in the bathroom are unique. Bidirectional drying is a good thing. Okay, the negative. This club is a caked-on, superficial fraud of a place. It's a club, I get it. But you know, this one has a special place in my heart. The combination of $9 dollar drinks, tacky light up menus and decor, low class attention seeking clientele and staff is just all too wonderful to be just another club. This is the premiere SF spot to soak up terrible vibrations. But my most favorite part was when they took my chair with my jacket on it  without telling me. So when I started looking for my jacket at the coat check. But since I didn't have a ticket, they didn't have my jacket. They then kicked me out because I was 'pestering' the coat check girl for it. Run of bad luck for me? Possibly. But this also happened to my friend I was with. Bad form. To bring it all back home, checkout Infusion if you want to waste your money and have your belongings stolen. If anyone from Infusion is reading, it's a black jacket with a nike symbol on the sleeve and small sun icon on the back below the collar. You should contact me and give it back, but I'm certainly not expecting that level of class.
by Tracey Hullings on
I came out here on a Friday night at midnight, not too sure what to expect. However, for a $10 cover, this place was a complete joke (and probably why there was no line). Busby's basically has a split personality and doesn't know what kind of venue it is..."Am I a sports bar that overcharges or am I a frat party aspiring to be an 18+ club" +1 because I was able to order drinks quickly at the bar
by Fitness By Chase C. on
Great food and good service.  Casual swanky atmosphere, small outside seating upstairs.
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