by maureen b. on This is a fantastic way to spend a day. There is so much to see, you really want to get there when they open. My top favorite items not to be missed: - the planetarium - the sea horses - the old sea bass (see my photo) - penguins - jelly fish - living roof What I could have skipped: - the crowds - the rain Forrest - mosses restaurant - the self serve ticket machines - the interactive exhibits Avoid at all costs purchasing a ticket there on site. Do it online! The self serve ticket machines are maddening. Nobody over 50 can figure them out, and that's who seems to be using them! I helped about 10 people, just to get the line moving forward!
by Cristy Freidkin on I'm not sure this placed should be listed as Indian, but Asian Fusion covers the basis. I've gone here for lunch and more recently, after hours, for Obama Rally/Debate watches. Pluses are the FRONT room, on a sunny afternoon. Clean-lined wood tables, big, bar-flanking Elephant carvings and an interesting menu (portobello mushroom wraps w/side salads, on-demand kimchi, Yogi Tea, Thai Iced tea and curried rice and tofu dishes are the tip of the iceberg). But I don't know about that big room: Buddha heads, low lighting and white-leather booths may work if it's after midnight, you've had a lot to drink and are mid-dance, but if not, the space just isn't warm or inviting.
by Oska D. on Okay, lets get one thing out of the way about the Friday night we experienced The Mayan. My friends came here and NO GIRL WAS WILLING to dance or even have a simple back and forth conversation. This really pissed one of them off and he got really mad about it. No joke.. he was 0 for 50! ha ha ha. Now while here I liked the music and loved the mixed drinks. I believe I have to agree with my buddies though the uptight, conceeded, arrogant girls that frequent here should get over themselves. Just because a guy wants to talk to you or have a simple dance doesn't mean they want to get into your pants (sometimes) lol. One star due to the bad vibe.