100 B Avenue East
Oskaloosa, IA 52577
Mahaska County
Phone: (641) 673-0264
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Hours: unknown
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by patricia n. on
i was here on a "house music" nite atmosphere was great. i liked the lighting and how the floor is one big circle. you cannot get lost here!! there're 2 escorts at the bathroom. they will lead you to the empty stall. pretty cool. keeps the bathroom traffic smooth & clean. i was the DD so i did not drink. but the bar area was jam packed!! so.. bottom line. its small but yes, its cozy. there's security all over the floor so there is no foul play or craziness. the only prob i had was no place to sit. like for real, i needed to sit every time i sat at the corner, the security will come & make me stand up. wtf! sofa pls, SOFA!! i also learned house music is not my flavor, but dancing is always so fun. i'd come here again -- not as DD though.
by Bridgett Lizak on
Shampoo is probably the biggest club in philly. It's kinda old news now and nobody really goes there. It's probably now more known towards the younggins and younger younggins. lol. They do all sorts of parties for different ages and crowds on different days. It's pretty roomy and sometimes their parties can be good. You first walk in and yes there's always a line because you gotta be pat down cuz the younggins likes to start trouble here! and then you go and pay..theres also the coatcheck there...and then u go in and so youre in the basement area and i kinda dont like it because the fact 1 room is sort of a loungey area where people just sit around..and in the middle of the place is the DJ booth but wheres his dancefloor? in the other room in front of him where he probably can barely see...and this is mostly hiphop downstairs on a regular night..and then to the right of the DJ booth is the 21+ section for the bar area and more loungey to sit around which i actually found better and roomier than upstairs bar. Then as you proceed upstairs youll enter their huge ass dancefloor. Above you is the DJ booth for upstairs, they play mostly techno and hiphop here. And there's also stairs for the bar and it sort of goes all around and below to another bar i think....its very weird place..lol.. and that main floor is good for setting up stages and all that...when they did HIN (hot import night) it was the best...but now its like all dark and gloomy...actually the whole place is dark and gloomy. they should remodel shampoo too... So as you walk around this place...youll head to another room where theres another DJ booth, but this place is rarely used unless somebody booked it for a vip treatment because theres a bar in there as well. Then youll walk to the bathroom where i think its really cool how they have a fountain as your hand washing station because all you need to do is press the pedal on the floor and here comes water for about 10 people to use hahah. the bathrooms are dark and run down as well though... Then youll enter their famous FOAM room, where on a foam night  theyll blast you with foam foam and more foam...and this is probably the best spot for music and dancing...the music is mostly hip hop and while youre covered up to the neck in foam, nobody can see ya dancing... (and thats a good thing right? for all you non dancers..haha!) and sometimes youll get lost if you cant find your way outta there. hahaha! and they even got a jacuzzi in the back sort of like a wash area for the foamers...i suggest you bring a towel and leave it in the car though,1 for you and 1 for your car seat!! and ONLY on their rare special occasion nights, they wont do the foam, but theyll open up their backyard and put up a huge tent which they make out of their parking area into a huge dancefloor. and only on special events theyll have gogo dancers dancing there on poles and set up stages and stuff there as well. Overall, it was good BACK THEN. I dunno how it is now? But i know its not the spot for 21+ no more. Everybody probably forgot about and say, hey! i went there when i was 16! haha!
by Christi J. on
Maybe I've just been out of the club scene for too long, but my experience at ESSO left much to be desired. From the reviews on rateclubs, I was expecting much better. Seeing as how I've often found the clubs in Atlanta completing lacking in an "experience" maybe my standards of what constitutes a solid club are way too high for the city. Regardless, we arrived early only to have to stand in line. Bewildered at how the appearance of the parking lot could translate into needing to stand in line to get in, we assumed our places in a spot light lit line. About 30 minutes later, we were allowed in...and promptly stopped. Ushered into a "waiting room" consisting of some bench seating, bathrooms, a horrific dj, cheap wood paneling and crown molding meant to fool you into thinking they'd put some work into the decor the bright spot in the pre-club experience was the bar, which appeared to be pouring freely. I didn't have a beverage, but my two friends did and both seemed happy with their drinks. After determining that access to the club proper wouldn't be gained until "clubbing hour" at 12:00, we stood around in a funky bunch and watched the crowd (and temperature) grow. It's important to point out that the music was horrible. I don't know who was dj'ing, but he should have his Toshiba laptop taken away from him. Digressing...music bad, crowd big, standing around = not good. When they finally let us in, we were treated to a much larger area with two large bars, a large VIP area, and a nice sized dance floor. It took another good 20 minutes for the dj for the large section to get to anything worth dancing to. He did, however, and we headed out. We got about two songs into it and it was back to crap. I don't understand how it's hard to consistently play music that people can dance to. In any case, the usual dance flood groping and "hey baby"'s commenced and we decided we'd had enough. Like I said, I've been out of the scene for awhile, so maybe this is how it is now. It seems to appeal to plenty other people.
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