95 Long Wharf
Newport, RI 02840
Newport County
Phone: (401) 847-4770
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by robert b. on
If you like offensively loud canned music then you'll love Rain.  There's no escaping it anywhere in the restaurant.  Last time I was there  I asked that the music be turned down but they didn't.  It was Christmas and I didn't want to listen to "grandma got run over by a reindeer"  while trying to have lunch.  I asked to be moved to another table but the music was just a loud there.  The wait staff there seemed present in body but not in mind and couldn't hear what customers were saying because the music was so loud.  Halfway through giving my order the waitress left and went to another table to take their order.  I was stunned at how rude this was. They brought me stone cold coconut soup.  Then served me something other thatn what I ordered.  I sent it back then they returned with something else I didn't order.  And it had a wad of "curry" paste sitting on top of the entree which was strange and inexscusable.  It was like a glob of wall paper paste. What's sad about this place is the manager just doesn't get it or doesn't care.  They cannot recognize what's going on right in front of them.  And in my case they never even made a sincere apology for any of it.  I left the building without eating and went to Little Bangcock up the street and had a great lunch for less money. Rain used to be good but the staff has become tired and lazy.  Even the kitchen floor was nasty last time I was there whereas is used to be clean.
by Marcelle Gongalez on
I went here. It was kinda dumb.
by John M. on
Bootie is such good-natured fun that you feel like a kid again dancing to mash-ups. Most of the time, you get the impression that people at clubs are having a personal contest to see how much they can drink before they're too wobbly to keep dancing. I'd say Bootie is the complete opposite. Yes, you'll still find some hot messes there, but for the most part, the clever music and witty performances are such dizzying fun that one hardly needs a drink to feel escape. And this is coming from a guy who loves a cocktail. Bootie is a natural-high indeed.
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