Characters Sports Bar & Grill
108 North Linden Street
Lamoni, IA 50140
Decatur County
Phone: (641) 784-7658
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Jboogie E. on
couldn't have been any worse.  It was hot, sticky and so smelly.  We got a "table" which was pretty lame at this was overly crowded as they don't really monitor who comes in that area.  The place was packed with slimy wasted drunk men - one who grabbed my butt - and when telling the bouncer he did nothing.  All the bouncers were SO rude. On our way out they were screaming at us like it was the army.  It was ridiculous -  one of the bouncers ended up calling me a b!tch out of no where.  Not a classy place at all...will NOT be coming back to slide.
by Jason P. on
Little pricey.  Enjoyed eating here.  Would have recieved 5 * but service is slooooow.
by Laverne Kaewprasert on
They actually have the audaciousness to self-title Icon an "Ultralounge."   You have got to be kidding me.  This is basically a divey space that appears to have rescued a bit and remodeled, perhaps 20 years ago,  apparently more to keep the structure standing than for any other outcome such as silly things like acoustics or to create a reasonable dance floor.  Result:  Pillars and half walls leading nowhere at random spots on the dance floor.  Subpar acoustics and sound system (I'm picky about the sound quality, if I'm paying admission to hear music in an establishment). Two back rooms.  The tiny room on left side is hilarious and can be kind of fun.  Its about the size of your bedroom when you were a teenager, and all that is in there is one long couchlike thing with drapes, and a mini DJ booth in one corner where a lone DJ stood like a fly on the wall, and the rest of the tiny room is dance floor. But it seems like many never find this room.  The night I was here, when I found this room, it was so hilarious, I just hang out back there most of the night with about 12 other random men & women packed in there.  They were going nuts getting silly on the dance floor, probably because they felt no one watching. 2 Stars for that tiny dance room, and occasional decent DJs.  But overall, I'd skip it, if for no other reason they went so far as to name this rough place an "Ultralounge."
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