Charlie's Bar & Grill
2089 North Jones Boulevard
Las Vegas, NV 89108
Clark County
Phone: (702) 638-6571
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
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Hours: unknown
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by Colleen Y. on
I went here for the first time on Friday and since I'm soon to be a full time Cantabrigian I can guarantee I'll be back soon. The music really makes the bar and this place rocked us out. I haven't danced that drunkenly since my 8th grade spring fling. I mean, I had to know it was going to be amazing once I saw the name for Friday Night -- PYT. My only complaint was the stickiness of everything and I kind of OD'd on Madonna by 11pm. But, I was pleasantly surprised to see some hotties around and even better there weren't any lamos trying to feel up dancing ladies - a common occurrence at most other bars I dance at. The crowd was also way preppier than I expected -- in a good way for once in New England. I wasn't surrounded by J. Crew statuettes but I wasn't scared to run into the huge guy with the snake tattoo either. Everyone seemed genuinely chill and looking to have a no frills, good time. You'll definitely see me there again soon with my dancing shoes on.
by Samella Aguon on
FUN. Great music; good variety. Good crowd (like any club depends when you go). Was good last summer and still is. Packed. We walked right in. Although, there was a line but you know what they say... Anyways, a good club.
by Maurice G. on
Can you be a member of PHX rateclubs having NOT reviewed Delux? This is like being jumped into Los rateclubses Gigantes. Since Delux has been reviewed consistently for over two years, there is nothing that I can offer as a varied opinion, but i thought, what the hell? I don't stop breathing air just cos everyone else has already done it. Some things are necessary. Delux is like your all-time favorite song. Sure, you've had it over and over again, you know its intricacies, you've interpreted, and digested its offerings. And then something happens that shocks you. You get sick of it. So, you stash it away, lose it on your memory's playback, and banish it from your favorite playlist. Sometime later, it comes up again, and you think ... "Oh yeahhhh!" This is Delux. So you go back, get your usual pint of Anchor Steam, your maytag burger, and the halfer of sweet potato/boring potato fries. Then you wonder why you ever shunned it. This shit is great. I won't ever dismiss it again. Pretty soon, it will be a classic and you'll hear everyone talk stories about it, how they were there in 1972 when Delux opened for The Kinks.
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