Chasers Lounge
1007 Peterson Avenue North
Douglas, GA 31533
Coffee County
Phone: (912) 383-9365
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Niah W. on
This is LOVE! Went on a Friday night and I was pleasantly surprised that there was NO wait, The valet and host was very friendly.  Went to the bar to wait for my friends to arrive and the bartender made a Mojito that made my heart sing!  Definitely worth the $12 price. Once seated the waiter quickly greeted us and was very thorough with the menu and selections.  Food was delectable, satisfying and plentiful.  The ambiance of One Midtown kitchen is very intimate and beautiful.  Perfect for a date or small group of friends.  Prices range from $6 - $30 but well worth it, there is something for everyone and the menu changes daily so there is always variety.  I will be back soon :)
by Tara F. on
Just gorgeous club and great DJs. A younger crowd, but still decent. The club is beyond open and large, but if you do not have a table forget having somewhere to go!
by Robert Jehlicka on
Screw this place. Screw the hipsters and the crowded bar, uber-attitude, and silly salon theme. Screw the skinny jeans, the american apparel low cut v-necks, and striped shirts. Screw the throwback music and stank dampness of the dance floor. And SCREW this place for always being so much FUN! Seriously, if you are here, you're here for one of two reasons: A) To dance your ass off B) To get drunk and talk loud and laugh the laugh of personal abandon and reticence or possibly, a third option.... C) All of the above Why not?
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