Cheeks Saloon
13036 Southwest Horseshoe Lake Road
Merrifield, MN 56465
Crow Wing County
Phone: (218) 765-3344
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Hours: unknown
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by Elena V. on
Alert: BBR is closing tomorrow and is reopening as a private membership club in the fall.  Also the name officially changed to Top of the Standard several months ago. I'm surprised no one has mentioned how cheap the bottles are in comparison to cocktail prices. The cocktails are very good and up to par with the mixology type places with many options. My favorite part of the decor is actually the graffitti style popart in the stairways- beautiful and kitsch at the same time. If there were not a strict list it would be completely overrun by all sorts of non-desirables; on the other hand it does get tiring to see the exact same people week in and out.  Crowd is pretty much the same as Provo and Rose Bar.   It's a good spot to go 12-2ish after 2 most people move on to Cabin down below, Avenue or 1Oak. There are a lot of fun parties and events that take place here such as the Marc Jacobs party, Dietsch, Topguest, Purple Magazine, and various benefits.  Now that Le Bain is open the rooftop is much more comfortable with waterbed seating and astroturf. And yes the bathrooms are great (especially the one in the stairway). *Note: No reception with T-mobile. You can either go upstairs to the roof or step out to the elevators where you can get two signal bars.
by Ngan H. on
OK, guilty pleasure. Who doesn't like partying with a bunch of Koreans...a little fobby but fun as heck! Music is great, waiters are hot, cute guys, cute girls. It gets packed so you probably should get a table to enjoy it fully: GUYS:  I don't need to explain that to you...if you need explanation, message me so I can spell it out for you.   I think they do booking HaHa. GIRLS:  You know you'll be wearing your cutest/highest heels, you will need to rest those pretty feet.  There is nowhere else to sit. Love the place, but have to give it 3 stars because, as it gets past 12:30, the place gets obnoxiously PACKED. It's a good fix for that fobby asian club feeling, I would suggest going there once a quarter.
by Numbers Volo on
Gotta love a dive bar with a friendly waitress. She didn't even give me attitude when I knocked over and broke one of their very tall beer glasses of which I had a few rounds of the $5 flying fish. I wish I had known their kitchen closed around 10, cause I was hungry and really could have used a nice plate of fries. It feels like my great uncles basement, only dingier and I don't have to sneak sips when the grown ups aren't looking. Also they have 1960 era place mats with old school cocktails on them. Very stylish - I just wish you could order off of it.
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