Chester House Bar
1 North Main Street
Manville, NJ 08835
Somerset County
Phone: (908) 685-9540
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by Craig I. on
Thinking about going to see a concert at Webster Hall? Take a minute and read 10 or so reviews under mine. Go ahead, I'll wait. Back? Ok, notice something odd? A lot of the reviewers are writing about this place as if it were a club. But you're contemplating buying a ticket to see a band perform at a live music venue called Webster Hall. So what's going on? The other reviewers are right - Webster Hall is a club that also happens to host concerts. They do this grudgingly. If you are at Webster Hall to see a band play, Webster Hall hates you. Hell, if you're in a band performing at Webster Hall, Webster Hall hates you. All they want is for you to get out of their rooms as quickly as possible so that they can turn back into a club. This means pushing the band offstage at 10:30 sharp, even if they aren't done playing. The last band I saw there had to stop their concert three songs early. What, you payed $40 for a ticket and you'd like to see the whole show? Too bad! It's '80s Prom Night downstairs! Seriously, don't go here to see live music. They want to be a club so desperately? Let them have it.
by Owen Casaus on
Five-star setting at the tip-top of the Motor City Casino Hotel. Two-star bunk experience. What will make or break this club for you are the answers to these two questions: Are you rich? Do you like to show off your riches? If the answer to both questions is yes, you will *love* Amnesia. Otherwise, you'll be impressed by the high ceilings, the top-top-*top*-shelf decor, and the 16th floor view -- but you'll want to leave after 20 minutes. ==First of all, before I continue with the review, can I just ask you all to go to the Amnesia website? http://www.amnesiadetr... Are. You. Serious?!? It's like a subliminal brain tap urging you to go on a luxury bender, complete with orgy and blackout. "I DO NOT RECALL... WHERE I WAS..." What!?! Really? And the way the little "a" logo changes into a question mark? It's funny, ever since I had to review this place for The News, my dad and I have been making the joke, "Hey, what bar did you review last week?", "Oh, it's this place in the Motor City Casino. It's called... Shoot.. I just had it on the tip of my tongue... Uhh..... Gosh, I can't remember." Get it? Amnesia?? Yes, my dad and I are funny.== Anyway, Amnesia gets the award for Biggest Letdown, because even though it's pretty cool for that first five minutes when you walk in and go, "Whooooaaa.... Cool," the build-up is an exercise in psychological torture. First you gotta find the hotel. Then you gotta ask how to get to Amnesia. Then, you gotta get somebody to take you to the 16th floor because the elevators won't go that high without a key. Then, you pass by the *gor*-geous restaurant Iridescence, with it's sparkling globe chandeliers, and which you should probably be going to instead of Amnesia, because at least there you could get a good meal. *Then*! You have to walk down an endless hallway of video screens. It has to be 200 feet long -- do they really think they'll have a line that big? Then. You have to wait to get looked askance at and pay your $20. Then, finally, you get into the club. It actually feels like going to a club in Vegas if half the town just got hit with food poisoning from a bad shipment of prawns. It's this huge, super-mega-triple upscale nightclub, with crazy chandeliers and velvet banquettes, and a sweet balcony that you can *only* check out if you get bottle service. Their bottle service isn't even bottle service -- they will make all your drinks for you as well (which actually makes sense). And they have some super-expensive menu of bar food made upscale. It's like a Top Chef challenge -- Caviar-Cake Sliders with Truffle Butter and a Fois Gras Foam, or something. In fact, besides VIP areas that are literally roped off with velvet ropes, or guarded by security types, there is no place to sit down *at all* except a tiny seating area at the entrance to the restrooms. It's like they are trying to tell the regular people, "Come on, it's not really worth it to stay here, is it? You can't even sit down. Why don't you just leave and let the rich people have their playground?" The only thing is, there just aren't enough rich people in Detroit. At least not ones who want to go to a showy nightclub with ridiculously luxurious service and a ridiculous price tag attached. It ends up making for a sad place. So luxurious. So empty. So not in touch with the times and the economic landscape. Other things I *do* remember from Amnesia: the bathrooms are these insane chrome jobs with nine-foot tall stall doors that have video monitors in them (wait, can that be right?). Also, getting a drink was an annoyingly long process (even while I was being closely monitored -- read: followed -- by a casino employee because of casinos' strict rules about journalists and photographers). Lastly, the people in the place tended to be either middle-aged men and their 25-year-old Eastern European girlfriends, or skeezy guys in bedazzled jeans. A $20 cover may not seem like much for a top-of-the-line club, but to have a good time, you'd have to spend at least $200. Sure, the music's pumping and you can see the whole city from the 40-foot windows (well, most of the view is the freeway interchange), but, after all that rigamarole, you just wanna check out the view, dance to a couple tunes, then get the hell out of there and go have a pint.
by Julia H. on
I, like other rateclubsers, can't help but compare this to my other experiences at other aquariums. Nothing beats the Monterey Bay Aquarium on the California Coast and even the small san francisco aquarium is better. First of all, it was so crowded on a Wednesday morning, it was almost impossible to see anything. It's not the most stoller friendly place. You will be strolling a long and suddenly there's a staircase in front of you without warning, so you have to go all the way back around, trying to avoid running over small children to find another way. also almost had an amusement park feeling instead of an aquarium, science feel with all there decor, fake snow caps, and river grass. I will say the Baluga's were facinated, the tube going through the giant tank  was cool and the japanese, giant crabs that can get as big as a car pretty amazing. it's expensive but they give you 15 dollar off coupons at the end and the cost of a season pass is very reasonable.
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