by Monte Ouimette on Expensive upscale Italian. But: excellent food, service and location! Will go back to enjoy the "nightclub", as we left too soon for that...
by robyn h. on Great tuna steak sandwiches and delicious brunch. I like this place, but it's TOO COLD in there!!! Even when it's not hot outside, their a/c is on and cranking out arctic winds that cools your food off in SECONDS.
by Rhett Kubasik on The bouncers are rude, once telling my boyfriend in JULY that he couldn't come in with sandals on (even though every woman had them on). This is Sunnyside--a casual, blue-collar neighborhood--I have no problems with upscale restaurants or bars moving in but this place is neither! What is with the annoying policies and enough neon lights to invoke a seizure? This place tries so hard to be chic or trendy or something that it just is NOT. It's just embarrassing.