by Richard P. on Zahav was a good choice: A somewhat upscale & trendy middle eastern restaurant that offers delightful food. It certainly makes for a pleasant change from the usual hum-drum alternatives. Of particularly note is their provision of Chateau Musar. This delightful Levantine wine is a must try; it changed my perspective of middle eastern wines. Zahav is worth a detour.
by Mariangeles C. on ehhh this place would be cool, despite some of the ghetto things about does have a rather icky-someone just pee'd on the side of the building smell, and inside umm packed sweaty people with girls practically shoving you out of the way because they had too much liquour to early..i went here once and omg we got there slightly after the GL closed and had to pay that ridic cover that I dont think a place like this is worth... The long beaaches I had though were mighty strong and I found some sucker to buy me a few rounds so I cant complain about that..but there are some creeepers here and some of the girls are like on high alert watinig to start a fight..and it gets better.. When I was walking into this joint, some rudddde girls thinking they are god gift to earth called me a "snow bunny" because some dudes were tryina talk to me that they obviously wanted talking to them..just because I look american doesnt mean i am, i am not at all (argentinian) but for real chick? your this ignorant ??i forgot we were in high school again.. Dont go here, the insides nice but unless you know what kinda crowds gonna be there, try to avoid it..