1015 USHighway 80 West
Savannah, GA 31408
Chatham County
Phone: (912) 525-1803
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by Matt S. on
What CAN'T you do here? Dinner, Dance nights, Watch the game. This place has everything I've ever wanted in a bar. The staff is amazing and the music is always great. Be warned however, this is not a very "Jersey Shore" friendly venue. MIT and Harvard patrons mixed with hardcore music enthusiasts keeps the "pick-up bar" attitude at a minimum. I've been coming here for 5 years and don't plan on stopping as long as I'm in Boston!
by Trina M. on
Came here last friday (7/10/09) this was my second time here at Vessel. For both times I had a great time with my friends. A friend of mine hooked it up so no line wait ^ ^ and my girlfriend and I got in for free ^^ yay !! Otherwise the over charge is $20 per person. and free coat check !! holla !! lol Drinks were pricey...=( about $10 each i think...and I drink alot so....that's alot of $10 bills lol that adds up fast and I mean FAST ! Bartenders were very fast and friendly. Great service. Great music, although a few songs were like " whaatt?  0.0 hmm...i cant' dance to this... lol " *stands there like a idiot and laughs it off* lol Mostly hip hop which is the only thing i can dance to lol =x I really like the layout of this venus, very spacious. The tables/sofas were very cozy and table service was quick. There's also a smoking area in the back. Bathroom stayed pretty clean throughout the night. For the two times i've been here it has been both mixed crowds. Guys were a little more aggressive...got my ass pinched...=/ but other then that conclusion of my night at vessel = great time. =D
by Shameka Stripling on
I hesitate to go to places this overly crowded just because there's a lot that comes with it that spawns a whole new breed of road rage; we'll call it club rage. Club rage # 1:  The long line; specifically, the rude promoters with Napoleon complexes who snicker and use their position as way to add either self-esteem or inches to their height.  Promoters should be FRIENDLY; that's how you have people return.  But this place is so crowded, no one even bothers. Club Rage # 2:  The horrible walk up the escalators and through the mall in your (sometimes) indecent club gear.  As a girl, the looks of condemnation from parents and the asinine remarks from guys are...not fun. Club Rage # 3:  Two red bull vodkas cost 26.00, not including gratuity. I know, I know--it is Hollywood, but this is ridiculous.  This calls for pre-partying in the car. Club Rage # 4:  The ugly decor.  I bet that, in the light of day, bums find shelter here.  It's just not pretty. Club Rage # 5:  They threw away my gum. First time ever. Club rage # 6:  The need to validate your parking. Huh, I bet they rake in tons with all the drunkards going home and forgetting to do this. Pretentiousness is unjusitified here.  I had fun eating cookies and dancing with my gf's but I could do that with them somewhere else. Shout out to M.H. who reviewed this first, found it lacking, but still came with us! Hearts!
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