130 E Parris Ave
High Point, NC 27262
Guilford County
Phone: (336) 869-5614
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by Dustin T. on When I go out this seems to be the default standard place to go. There is fun to be had at this place. A few drinks then to the dance floor, yeah good times. The cover sucks and the drinks are pricey. This is also where my favorite bar tender, Angel, works.
by Joseph F. on I'm gonna go ahead and throw a scenario out there. you're from the marina, but want to "branch out". You've heard so many good things about the mission scene, but hey the mission is big and scary, and you're concerned about hurting someone with your popped collar. Bruno's was made for you. It's as if someone carved a little square out of the marina and dumped it in the mission. Button downs and nice shoe's galore, $$ at the door, and a huge line to get drinks. AH you're right at home aren't you. In all seriousness, renting out the back room is actually a damn good deal for a party. i did it for a birthday last year, and for 900 we got 3 bottles and a huuuge area to sit with big couches and chairs etc. With that kind of elbow space (the place is packed) 300 a bottle aint bad. I reccomend it for that, or if you're a douchebag with a popp-ed collar.
by Luanna Edmeier on for some reason, everytime i go here, i get WASTED. now i'm a well seasoned drinker, but 3 drinks at this place and i'm done for(okay maybe a few shots too). but seriously...? pretty awesome. the staff is awesome, they have 2 big rooms, and a nice big smoking patio out back(with a bar!). check the calendar because they have different things going on different nights. yay dragonfly!!!
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