Clark Bars
4326 Gardendale
San Antonio, TX 78240
Bexar County
Phone: (210) 341-5330
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Hana J. on
Imagine eating pescado tacos, tangy with lime, fresh fried fish wrapped in warm crunchy tortillas smothered in thick guacamole and salsa under a chandelier on velvet couches in dim lighting... Not quite as luxurious as it sounds, but full of fun fun fun. I hear it turns into a bar/lounge at night. Ooh la la!
by John Q. on
The Manhattan bottle service club, Arena, was sued in 2007 for their version of the clip joint scam. In December 2007, a patron knowingly purchased a $350 bottle of vodka, but was not told of a 3 bottle minimum. At the end of the night, he was presented with a $1050 tab that included two unordered bottles. When he refused to pay, the Arena bouncers beat him up. The patron agreed to get money from an ATM. The bouncers escorted him two blocks to the ATM, where his debit card was declined. The bouncers then dragged him back to the bar, where he was held until police arrived. He was arrested for theft of services but the charges were dismissed.
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