Clark's Tavern
8440 Rhodelia Road
Payneville, KY 40157
Meade County
Phone: (270) 496-4600
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Jerry P. on
After viewing the Liberty Bell, Congress Hall, etc.----- Very good tasting  Philly cheese steak sandwich. I ordered mine with American cheese and sweet  grilled peppers, comes with grilled onions in the sandwich. $9. A bit on the thin side, but tasty. Short line, it just began to rain , and it was about 5pm. Tables outside only; we ate in the car. Will go to Pat's, across the street, next time.
by Jason R. on
Great atmosphere, great food and great scene.  The bar is very lively and fun.  Very creative drink list. The sushi is good as well the steak and appetizers.  I highly reccomend going here.
by Merry Wendroth on
This place is at its best when my girlfriend and I are there. Everybody dances. I don't like it as much when we are not there. In fact, when I'm not there, I don't like it at all. They could play more hip-hop. But I suppose I could say that about almost everywhere. Don't be late. If you're late, it helps if you are really hot. But then again, when does it hurt to be hot? The only time it might hurt to be hot is if you are talking to my girlfriend and I am drunk and envious and decide to punch you right in your face. But even then, it might not hurt.
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