Club 131
131 Albert Avenue
East Lansing, MI 48823
Ingham County
Phone: (517) 333-4040
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Wilber Kuilan on
This place opens officially next week. Being the person in the know I have already been there at a pre-opening party and I am here for the review. First off, it's located in an area that isn't know for the club scene, in many ways it feels like the club Haute or a new Les Deux. It has hope but it def needs a new paint job on the outside and some good promoters to push it since it's located somewhat off the club line. Overall I wasn't blown away as the crowd wasn't that cool but since it isn't open yet I have hope.
by Max Strickland on
Dont be fooled by the photographs-- this is the lesson i learnt when i went here for new years eve. The place is small and congested and for some reason on new years eve they decided to flaunt every fire safety norm. They packed in 50-100 more people than what they are allowed to. If you are planning on checking your coat --good luck getting it back. It took me 30 mins to get my coat and two of my friends never got to see them. When we went back the next day all they can say is sorry we lost it. On a positive side .. i was expecting watered down drinks for NYE but was impressed that the they were strong and more shockingly they used top shelf drinks (gray goose etc) also we dint have to wait for long to get our drinks. Hats off to the bar tenders for thier great work .
by Adam R. on
The first odd thing about Flip is its location. It is not in a place I drive by often so I would have never known about it if not for rateclubs. I always cut down Bellemeade Ave when I am on Howell Mill. The building does stand out though. The first thing I noticed when I entered was the bright colors of the stools and some of the tables. I am not a fan of pure white so I think the place is a bit bright, but then again I do not know anything about decorating. The menu. To me it is pretty ridiculous to charge upwards of $8-$9 for a burger and have it come with no sides. Luckily, as I like it plain, they had one for $6.50 which is not terrible, but when you have a pretty small burger like they do, you need to include a side. The burger itself was decent, I was glad the chef knew the definition of medium rare which so many around here do not for burgers. The bun was awesome though. I really like good bread. I usually do not eat much for lunch these days so it was a good amount for that, but if I had come here for dinner I would have not been filled up with one burger, and charging $3.50 for fries is a bit excessive. I know you are trying to be cool and trendy Flip, but you are on Howell Mill Road. While it was trying to be cool and trendy, they had rap videos playing on loop on the televisions behind the counter which just took away from any kind of classiness they were trying to exude. Start including sides and take down the pretentiousness a notch and I will be back since the food itself was good.
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