521 S Vandeventer Ave
Saint Louis, MO 63110
Saint Louis City County
Phone: (314) 531-3744
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by Peter L. on Update: Saturday Nov. 27 is the DNA Lounge's 25th Anniversary and it's also Bootie night (BootieSF was started in 2003)! OPEN BAR from 8-9 PM (included with admission price) with midnight aerialist act above the crowd. People who go here, they go here to dance. Whether they have groove, are able to pop, breakdance, tecktonik, or just jumping up and down - they go here to dance. There's no judging, no fronting, no drama, and no dress code, lol, - many different ethnic and age groups all get along. The last star is for that! There are two dance floors; the main one when you enter and an upstairs one. On those predominantly Asian nights, the music tend to be hip-hoppy, Wild94.9, stuffs. But BootieSF ( http://www.rateclubs.com/bi...), with its live mashup of different musics and genres, is where it's at! For so many clubs in the same couple of blocks, street parking in the area is not too bad. Sweet! :D
by Geoffrey Fattore on I have to thank everyone for coming out to my birthday but really the place was too crowded. I know everyone wanted a piece of me, and all this hotness but one club can only take a certain amount of body heat all at the same time without any AC. Not to say that i didn't have a good time, but man they need to burn the roof off to get some ventilation in there. And as for my birthday cake, it was bought outside the club wrapped in bacon, covered with the works. If you know what i mean!
by miriam b. on Closer to multiple forms of public transportation in an area where being stuck in grid-lock Saturday night traffic on O'Farrell Street is HORRIBLE. Take a cab or bus or BART and check out the musical line up. It is still a little off-putting walking into the cold marble lobby, but warm it up with some sexy jazz sounds. Did NOT care for the manager's two faced ways of treacle with customers and turning around and kevetching with to his friend about some old geezer...WHAT?! Not a nice attitude at all....Guess he didn't think anyone was paying attention to his two faces..one cute...the other defaced. Just for Summer 08 -They were having a line up of AMERICAN IDOLS sing here for $40 tickets, which seem rather steep for newbies, but hey, Simon has got his fingers in every Amer-Brit Idols bank account for underwriting most of the she-bangs, he-bangs..bangs-alot..olufson...)