Club 7 7
1822 Republican Street
Honolulu, HI 96819
Honolulu County
Phone: (808) 848-2147
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by Gabrielle J. on
Strictly for the club- will review food another time. I brought my mom to see Shawn Colvin here last night.  If you are a Shawn Colvin fan and are reading this review as of 10/14- GO!  She is here tonight and tomorrow, tickets are $30. Shawn did not pay me for the above plug btw. You see, Shawn and I basically grew up together.  As in, every memory I have of songs in my childhood that don't involve ABCs  or Jerry Garcia involve "sunny came home", "shotgun", or "steady." I digress... Outside of the fact that this Yoshis is within walking distance of mi casa, I like it much better than its original counterpart across the pond. Great seating structure- every seat in the house seems to have great views to the stage.  I highly recommend paying an extra $10/ticket for them to hold your seat.  Avoids you at least getting the shaft to the back of the room.  I also love that they have Stormy Weather on their drink menu- made the whole evening even more appropo.
by Fatima Slates on
I went to Bruno's on a random weeknight to attend a friend's b-day party. We were in the lounge upstairs (pussy cat lounge, I believe) you know the one with the ginormous black cat hanging from the bar and the strippers poles spread throughout the room... It was a decent place. Nothing too spectacular. I think if I had to pay a cover it would be a 2-star place.
by Keith Charles F. on
Nope. Let me list the ways this place let me down. 1. 20 dollar cover (despite rolling in with 6 girls) 2. Weak expensive drinks (in dinky cups) 3. VIP area bullshit 4. Generally devolved human interactions 5. Rude overly aggressive bouncers (Can't we hug it out bay-bee ? ) 6. Low levels of talent minus about 3 girls (Keep in mind of have my own preferences) 7. Hot-as-balls. What I liked. 1. The one girl that walked in around 11:00 2. The latin dancing in one room and the hip hop in the other. 3. The multiple rooms for trolling around
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