Club Broadway
1611 Everett Avenue
Everett, WA 98201
Snohomish County
Phone: (425) 259-3551
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Judy Soders on
A favorite hangout of mine. Pass, on the drink called Pink Puta though. Milk and tequilla just don't go together.
by Lance M. on
You know, there's alot of Chinese Restaurants in the Brookline area and I don't have to pay $$$$ for General Gau at the Golden Temple, when I can get it for $$ in other places CLOSE BY. I can go to Chef Chow's in Coolidge Corner which is a little more than your hole-in -the wall places (which are mostly great) and I think their food is just as good , or better than the Solid Gold Temple. Just on principle I'm not ever going to pay $72.00 for the same meal that I paid close to $35.00 and was just as good. I felt like I was ripped off when I saw the bill. Down the street, is Ducky Wah (you could call it hole in the wall) this place is great, and allot cheaper than Solid Gold Temple. I know we're in Brookline, and I make six figures, so money's no object - unfortunately, as a musician, this isn't my financial situation so I'll go to all of the other lowly Chinese Restaurants surrounding Golden Temple, but the joke's on you; the food is just as good as Chef Chows, Ducky Wah, Chef Changs, Super 88 (in Allston) etc. Everything I said here about Golden Temple also goes for P.F. Changs.
by Martha Grattelo on
This is a great place to get a drink before or after dinner.  The best time to go is on a clear day or night.  Drinks are a little pricy but with the view and the nice atmosphere its worth it.
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