Club Monaco
1487 East Flamingo Road
Las Vegas, NV 89119
Clark County
Phone: (702) 737-6212
Fax: unknown
Website: Visit our website
Email: no email on file
Hours: unknown
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by Rosann Evoy on
Decor: The decor, both inside and out, was beautiful. I especially liked the canopies outside next to the big fire pit and fountains. And I absolutely loved the decor inside! It was very classy and beautiful. There were plenty of seating options available too, which was nice for when your heels started to hurt your feet! Drinks: The drinks were strong and good! And I usually got pretty good service at the bars. The DJ was great! The music was perfect, and great for dancing. It wasn't too incredibly loud, which was a nice change from most of the other clubs I've been to recently. Great venue, I would definitely go back.
by Carolina D. on
I've been a loyal customer since 2005 LOL, and all I can say is if you like House and Trance this is the place to be. Best night of my life with top notch DJ's like Dirty South, Axwell, Erik Morillo, Seb Fontaine, Christopher Lawrence and resident and all time favorite Dj Ruff . Drinks are pricey but hey it's Hollywood, have a couple before you get there you know? And park two lots away from Vine, it's only 10 bucks. And please stop naggin about the kind of people you see there, mind your own business and just go for the music, trust me , you'll have a good time.
by Naomi Bialas on
Service is exceptional here! The food portions are just right and the ambiance is truly unique. This is a wonderful place to go on a first date because it's fun and comfortable.
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