by Trinh Nimocks on went there for dinner before drinks and decided on getting the crab ragoons. rather delicous but rather skimpy on the crab meat. i was ordering long islands all night and they made them quite stiff. the ratio is definitely noticeable in here, and how they keep it to a 1:1 and it gets pretty packed with some of the hottest broads around. would recommend if you dont mind paying. the bouncers were also very helpful in letting us in and out to smoke and what not
by Margarita G. on Don't be fooled by the $5 Margarita's. They are served in small cocktail-sized glasses and you can barely taste the tequila. You're better off paying full price for a Margarita. The atmosphere is very nice and dim, and probably a lot better when there are a lot of people (unfortunately the night I went it was sort of dead). The staff was very nice and the service was good. I do wish they would've had more drink specials, however, and that the Margarita I did order had delivered more. I guess this is your average Hollywood Blvd. priced bar, so if you're in the area and have an hour, try it out and see for yourself. I'd probably go again if a group of friends compelled me to, otherwise, I'd choose something else to get a little more for my dollar.
by Ali R. on I knew my weekend wasn't going to be what I had envisioned as soon as I stepped into this after hours establishment. I was planning a fun Friday night for my friend's bday, get home at a reasonable hour, then proceed to laundry, face mask, self pedicure, girly movie, the internet, read and get lots of sleep Saturday night, then go to hip hop and maybe for a run, put away my laundry, and relax the rest of Sunday. However this is not what happened at all... On Friday night (Lovefest Eve) when the bars closed and all my friends looked tired and ready to cab home, I looked at my friend Max F. and said... "I can't believe it's 2am. I'm totally not ready to go home." So Max F. proceeds to show me a side of the city I had never seen before. Insomnia is down an alley through a blank door, up some sketchy stairs and then you enter the completely random loft. Multi-colored lights are flashing, Techno music is pumpin, people are making out, people are trippin on some stuff I don't want to know about, the bars are made of card tables and ice chests and bookshelves... The place was everything I'm not. I hate techno music, pda, and drugs yet I had the best time. The first hour consisted of watching people make out, trying to decide if this one girl was a hooker, and getting invited into the bathroom by some random girls who weren't wearing underwear. The next hour consisted of dancing to glow stick music and milling about the different rooms. I believe Max F. and I spent the whole hour swing dancing and salsa dancing and stumbling all over the place. The next hour is when I believe I suffered the most injuries of the night. I got stepped on by some guy - my foot is swollen and bruised, and I have a part black toenail. I also tore off all the skin on my ankle, and mysteriously have 5 bruises. This could in part be due to my dance off with a break dancer. Yes... I challenged a guy to a dance-off. And lost. I did try to do some random break dance moves and in my head, I looked awesome. I also almost got airbrushed tattoo sleeves painted on and I saw lots of people doing drugs. My next trip to the bathroom consisted of girls punching the door because someone was taking too long and at least one fight almost occured, oh and of course more panti-less girls and drugs. The next hour Max F. slept on the couch in the corner while I pretended to be a raver like the rest of the people on the dance floor. Gotta love energy drinks! I remember at one point wondering when they were going to change the song and then I realized that the songs were changing, they just sounded the same. Around 6am - I finally realized that I had no idea why I was still out and woke up Max F., caught a cab and proceeded to instruct him how to get to Max F.'s and then how to get to my house (he had only been driving for one week). The cab ride took way longer than normal and was way more than normal. I stumbled into my apartment, shoes in the hallway, shirt in the living room, jeans on my bed, and passed out as the sun started to rise in my window. Insomnia was the start of my wild and crazy weekend and I will most likely be back the next time I decide to live the life of a rockstar.