Club Rojumpics
16 East 52nd Street
New York, NY 10022
New York County
Phone: (212) 753-4442
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by Mia Ek on
Horrible experience. The food was inedible - all but 1 out of 5 dishes were either over or undercooked (and I'm talking undercooked seafood - yuck). And when we dared to complain (and not in a bitchy way - we tried to be nice about it) the management gave us attitude instead of trying to see what they could do to make it right for us. Really people? This is San Francisco, there are thousands of restaurants - learn some customer service. However, if you are a 20-something having a birthday party with 16 of your closest friends, are drunk and don't care what the food tastes like, then maybe this is the place for you. For everyone else, Medjool has gone downhill - waaaayyyy downhill. . .
by Natasha R. on
To maximize your fun at Ruby Skye, I recommend the following games and challenges to play with your girlfriends: Find the Good Bartender Game: Come armed with cash, throw down a large tip for a weak drink and hope it will buy you something stiffer on the next round. I'd suggest splitting up and spreading out for a quicker find. Ghetto Meat Market Game: Best played in a slinky dress. Keep a tally of thugs who can't speak proper English and attempt to 'spit game.'  Whoever has the highest tally at the end of the night doesn't have to pay for the cab ride home. The Stunner Shade Game: When you spot one of these douches wearing shades- call it out, and your friend has to buy you a drink. But you can take the Challenge by going up to Stunner Boy, flirting and dancing for two minutes. If you complete this challenge, your friend has to buy the drinks. Find the Local Game: If you find someone who actually lives in the city, you get one immunity for the Stunner Shade Game. No multiples for groups of two or more. Poke the E-tard: Find someone on E and take turns poking or tapping and quickly looking away. Whoever gets caught has to buy a round. Its best to make a hasty retreat after being found out, E-tards are known to grind on unsuspecting victims like a dog that hasn't been fixed. The VIP Game: If you did not come here with friends who have table service, your number one priority is to find your Golden VIP Ticket. This is the only way to ensure a sitting break on a couch and possibly a stiff drink. If unsuccessful by half-time (midnight), attempt a risky James Bond sneak in and make your face known with the bouncer for re-entry. I currently hold the Title Championship for the time I was introduced to Paul Oakenfold in the upstairs VIP room. Go over the rules thoroughly while standing in their long line. You will likely be waiting out in the cold for half an hour or more, which will give you ample time. The sound system is so loud inside you will have difficulty communicating without screaming into each others ears, so its best to employ gestures whenever possible. My final tip: Leave before 2am and walk two blocks if you want to get a cab. Avoid corners with crackheads who want your money. Good luck!
by Grace J. on
I think the Master Hater's review should be taken down for racist implications. Anyway--2 stars for 3rd F'in Floor Cafe for being money hoarding losers--LIKE THEY DO. Soju costs a nickel + a dime a piece. Anybody who knows anything knows this. But a soju + ground apple core + dried squid/cuttle fish + bar nuts = $40. If anything, wholesale price on soju+ anju is $3. + a couple of beers... okay. our tab for the night was $58. There were four of us and we really didn't feel like throwing down a hefty tip. We dropped $4, but had a waitress stop and complain. We left anyway, taking the elevator back down to the ground floor. and Lo and be hold. a woman runs down the stairs, and chases us: "excuse me. but you miscalculated again!" Yeaaaahh... don't think so. I told her to just take the four bucks and shoo. She stared me down with such hate, but here's the thing guys: I've worked at Baden Baden and Todai--both are located in KTown. And taking lousy tips is part of the job in KTown. I said, "Yeah, take your money and go back upstairs. Learn service." And she went upstairs. All three floors upstairs with the same amount of money she carried out. --food is lousy. scene is lousy. lounging is okay. decor is okay. drinks are way overpriced. waitresses are nazis. so yeah... meh. i've experienced better.
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