Club Tavern
125 Pine Street
Okanogan, WA 98840
Okanogan County
Phone: (509) 422-1907
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Hours: unknown
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by Trish B. on
I have NEVER eaten here. I know its a Chinese restaurant and its probably really good. But I can be found on the dance floor! 3 of the 4 girls that I live with (me included!) have ended our birthday nights here for dancing. The DJ plays whatever you tell him to! Sometimes its like a bad wedding. But thats ok, its all a part of the golden temple experience. They play everything from the 70s on. We've been in random congo lines and everything. So hilarious. The ridiculously strong scorpion bowls probably help the whole experience too. The dance floor is probably like 10ft by 10ft, but it gets packed!! Its in a dining room too, so theres tables and chairs everywhere. Once, during 'dont stop believing" I saw someone standing on a chair waving the candle that was on the table, like at a concert. This is why i love the temple.
by Neville Panah on
HELP! HELP! Ate at the Geisha House & decided to go to the first club we see, which was mood around the corner. We actually got in no problem bouncer let us in when we walked up to him. My friend & I go to the bar, right away a sloppy drunk guy walks up to us tries to put his arm around both of us & then tells us he is buying us a drink, I say no thank you. Then bartender hands me my credit card receipt so I can sign for the drinks & drunk sloppy dude tries to grab the tab & flings away my hands to stop me from signing "I TOLD YOU I AM BUYING YOU A DRINK, DON'T SIGN THAT". I tell him I already pay for the drinks & no thank you, the guy punches my shoulder! I'm in shock & couldn't react, so I sign as fast as I can & get out of that situation. We decide to walk around the club & walk into the enclosed smoke room by accident, great idea for your smoking clientele but I was in the room for 5 seconds & my hair reeked of smoke. We decide to dance back in the main room & we get approached by several different guys but it was just normally club stuff & I usually know how to get out of those situations. This is where it goes all BAD! HELP! HELP! We are dancing in the middle of the dance floor (IN THE MIDDLE) A guy approaches my friend & says something to her, then a guy comes up to me, grabs my arm starts talking in my ear "Do you know what the Superbowl is, the Giants & the Patriots played & the quarter back from the Giants is Eli Manning & he wants to meet me. (BTW I'm a huge football fan & the Giants are my team) Of course I don't believe the guy & I'm not leaving with him anywhere, his group of guy friends proceed to rush me. (SCARY PART) Then out of no where we had 4 different groups of guys around us & each group had 4 or more guys in their group. These guys start pulling on me & my friend grabbing us & we suddenly become surrounded in a circle with guys around us, keep in mind these are different groups of guys. A guy grabs my arm  I'm wiggling out of it which leads down to my wrist, he pulls me so hard he TWISTS MY WRIST,  IT"S SPRAINED! My wrist is wrapped in splint. Guys are attempting to grab our breast, butts & everything else, from this point I'm getting scared I grab my friends hand to get us out of their THEN they guys literally start pulling our hands apart. I'm reaching for my friend to get us out of their & the guys about 12 or more proceed to lift me off the ground lift my friend off the ground & attempt to carry us in different directions.  This has never happened to me, I start fighting back I get loose run to my friend grab her & we run off the dance floor, her bra was unsnapped! We are both really shaken up really badly, we leave the club & never look back. I have never had this happen to me & I'm briefly describing what happened & all I know is that the emotions I felt accompanied by the fear is imprinted in my head.
by Mark M. on
The restaurant was really cool. I was sad that we only went for lunch, as the place probably really lights up at night. The place is stark white, with awesome colored lights all over the place. The sushi conveyor belt was pretty cool too. All the furniture is futuristic and plastic. I mean do I even need to say any more? I'd go there if it had HALF the stuff I explained! Also, the food is pretty good and you get a lot for what you pay for. Anyone who says its expensive must eat at McDonalds regularly. I'd definitely go back, but later on at night for the full experience.
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