by Ian S. on Wow...This place is a dump! I'm not trying to say I had a bad time here but it was pretty gross...First off, the whole place reeks like those urinal cake air freshener things. I thought I may have been the only one to notice but all the other people I was with independently came to the conclusion that the place smelled like a bathroom. On top of that, there were a ton of little flies buzzing around the bar...yuck! So, you may be wondering at this point why I gave the place two stars and there are two reasons. First, the bartender was pretty cool. He was this older guy who kinda reminded me of my grandpa or something. My friends and I were thinking he might be the owner but who knows. Anyway, he was very funny and kept us laughing while we were there. The second reason this place gets an extra star was because of the music. This girl was up there playing guitar and singing- she was actually pretty good. So, I don't think I want to go back here but it's not completely hopeless.
by Chloe Brentz on Ohhh boy. I first went to this place because rateclubs told me that it was among the bes reviewed clubs in LA. Although it was nice,dammit does rateclubs owe me an apology. Came here for a sister's birthday. We bowled at Strike OC, rented a limo and got in the club free cuz i called it in. I reserved 2 booths as we had 13 people with us that night. There was no line when we got there at 11 but it did build up a little later on. It was a Friday night. This is a DANCING club. Not a stand against the wall place. I dont really dance so i had to force myself to, cuz you just feel this crazy vibe that says,"if you dont dance, you'll throw off this crazy vibe, so dance, bitch, dance!" My sister has some freaky friends and one of em started rubbing all over me...not cool cuz i couldve maybe got someone else =/. Anyway the decor is..well, its dark in there with red accents and low lighting so i dont think i can comment on it. I do like the dark and whats nice was that there was no neon, spotlight nonsense--at least it wasnt the center of attention like at other clubs. Anyway, with VIP booths you need to get bottle service. standard protocol. We get a bottle of grey goose and a patron. The greedy bastards with me drink all of the grey goose and BARELY got sarted on the patron--before it got stolen right off the table. Sure, SOMEBODY should have stayed behind to keep watch at all times, we SHOULD have taken turns but between the dancing, the dinking and the frequent trips outside for the smokers, there were short intervals of time the booths were empty. What pisses me off about the layout of Little Temple is that our booths were on the same level as the dance floor, so literally, anyone can come up and take things from your booth relatively unnoticed. Theres no security, no velvet rope, no invisible electrical fence, NOthing keeping the regular club-goers from the "VIP's" Here's the beautiful part: one of my crew gets unbelievably shitfaced, gets thrown out by security and everyone starts heaing back to the limo when they find out the alcohol's gone. One of my other drunk friends tells me to just leave as well. Before i can even think about it, the owner's on my back, (she did a complete 180 from before) and starts bitching me out about we have to pay right away. Remember that my friend is drunk, so he steps in saying we dont owe them shit cuz our bottle got stolen, they kicked out another one of our friends and they ruined our night so we dont owe them anything. Yes, at this point my buzz is COMPLETELY dried up. My drunk friend and the owner are going back and forth and it keeps escalating. Owner chick threatens to call cops, drunky tries to bribe the limo guy to speed off..its turning in to a HORRIBLE scene, so short version: i pay the $700 for the alcohol ($350/bottle) and we leave pissed. Needless to say, havent been back since this incident and dont think i will for a long long while, not until the embarrassment completely wares off and im a little less pissed a the management. They cant control everything, but would it kill them to try and make the VIPs a little more secure or separated from the rest? She "COULDNT" give us even a small discount for the bottle we didnt drink and was stolen? THE WAITRESS (who did come along sparingly) even vouched to the owner for us that she did see that we had not consummated that bottle and agreed we shouldnt have to pay for the whole thing. In summation, tread into VIP with caution. If you have an argumentative friend that fights hard when drunk, restrain him, he's not going to save you from the management when something bad happens.