Club Yuraku-Cho
1200 College Walk Suite 117
Honolulu, HI 96817
Honolulu County
Phone: (808) 523-5659
Fax: unknown
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Hours: unknown
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by Meghan P. on
I don't think I'd be very happy if I lived in the Clay-Jones apartment building and then all of a sudden a bar opened in my lobby. Although, getting a cocktail downstairs would be very convenient... I had actually spent a few nights in a family friend's apartment in this building so it was very strange to enter the building to head to Le Club. After a Spinsters meeting, we all crowded into Le Club for post-meeting cocktails. Between us and the guys there, the bar was packed. I luckily snagged a little table with a friend. The decor reminded me of a Harvard library. I guess it's kind of cool to drink a cocktail in the "library." The drinks were a bit pricey though and it was really too packed for this small space. We were pretty loud too... I think the people who lived on the first few floors must have been able to hear the raucous (and maybe worry that drunk people would take the elevator up to their apartment floor?).
by Evann G. on
Oh my GAWD, I found a Jimmy John's here. I thought all was lost when I left Chicago. Alright alright, I know they're a chain. Normally I hate chains. I really do. In fact, I absolutely refuse to eat at any other chain "deli." But Jimmy John's is so tasty! Sometimes I dream about their ham sandwiches. Even the bread is yum! And the signs all over their stores are funny and highly entertaining if you're eating by yourself.
by Steven Thomer on
Great place to dance if you don't mind being bumped into occasionally. They teased me for 20 mins by playing Sweet Child of Mine intro...a club that plays JT AND G&R??? Love it. Drinks=overpriced Line=obscene. reserve a table or get on the list. or just GO EARLY. Boy to girl ratio=pretty good. I like this place. Great for a girls night out every once and awhile. I wouldn't go here every weekend. ************************************************** ********************* UPDATE: Wednesday nights are HOT. Smaller crowd, great DJs. I might not go every weekend but I will probably go every Wednesday.
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