Clubhouse Bar & Grill
8133 Highway 23
Belle Chasse, LA 70037
Plaquemines County
Phone: (504) 394-2311
Fax: unknown
Website: no website on file
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Hours: unknown
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by David G. on
Live music, flavored mojitos, caipirinhas, and tapas like grilled flat iron steak, hearts of palm, arugula, clementine, white balsamic and lemon make this great place kick back, relax, and enjoy some really good food.
by Lynn B. on
In my one whirl-wind night back in SF, this place was among the stops. It ended up being the longest of the stops, and did me the  most damage with their great drinks, DJ, and good bartender (sorry, I don't know your name but you were way friendly and unpretentious for such a cool place). Great vibe, small enough to be intimate but not over-crowded even on a Saturday night. Awesome decor, from the wallpaper to the retro without trying to be style. I give it three months before it's overrun with hipsters and no longer just a relatively unknown dive bar to go have a cocktail at. Sigh.
by Miquel Bull on
where straight people go to die. Overpriced bottles of vodka. Decent burlesque....terrible 'tude at the door. Best time I ever had there was when I got in a fight with the door woman who was wearing acid watched and I called her Jersey Trash. She was NOT amused and called my friend and I "loser homos" I liked that comeback. anyhow, ultimately this place is filled with corporate cheese. It's a money maker and it sucks.
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